F Class w/ "Off The Rack" Production Rifle?



I have a Rem. 700 Police, 308 Win. w/ Leupold Mark 4 6.5 - 20x 50mm LR/T.

Yeah, I do appreciate the difference between this and a Stolle Panda. So I wonder if it's like drag racing where the hot stuff competes in one class and the stock stuff competes in another.

I just like shooting at 300 to 600 yds/metres . . . Of a rest, off a bench, or combo prone. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna weigh bullets, brass, shave necks, or worry a lot about where it all sits off the lands.

I know . . . sorta like going to a micro-brew and ordering a "Bud." :D

Do they offer a slot for me?
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I have a Rem. 700 Police, 308 Win. w/ Leupold Mark 4 6.5 - 20x 50mm LR/T.

Yeah, I do appreciate the difference between this and a Stolle Panda. So I wonder if it's like drag racing where the hot stuff competes in one class and the stock stuff competes in another.

I just like shooting at 300 to 600 yds/metres . . . Of a rest, off a bench, or combo prone. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna weigh bullets, brass, shave necks, or worry a lot about where it all sits off the lands.

I know . . . sorta like going to a micro-brew and ordering a "Bud." :D

Do they offer a slot for me?

F/O is F/O, F/TR is F/TR, think of F/O as 'Top Fuel' and T/TR is 'Super Stock or 'Super Modified'. Off a Bi-pod your 700 Pol. can shoot in F/TR off a 'rest' you shoot with the big boys. You're just using 800-1500 HP against 3000 HP!


You should be able to compete pretty well with your 700P in the F- Target Rifle Class as DR said. Get a good bi pod (say Harris notched with swivel http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/?productNumber=155546 , a pod lock to lock the swiveling feature when you get everything level ( http://www.ustacticalsupply.com/podlockforharrissseriesbipods.aspx ) and put Pod Paws ( http://www.zephyrdynamics.com/page2.html ) on it and go for it. I use a Protector rear bag from Sinclair to steady everything on the line ( http://www.sinclairintl.com/product/8029/Rear-Bags ). Sources listed are more for reference to the product than a reference to a source.

My experience is that the Target Rifle Class (F-T/R) is less populated with "race guns" that the open class as "race gun" class shooters go for the "hot rod" cartridges. The shooter that wins is the one that knows his gun and cartridge and can read and adjust for wind.

I would suggest you look at shooting 175 gr. Sierra MK with VARGET powder (say 43.3 grains) with Lapua cases. Load to a length that is maximum for your magazine and go shoot. This will give you a good load without doing all the other stuff and should be good from 100 out to 1000 yards without beating you and the gun up. BUT be sure to weigh your powder charge as small changes in velocities spells big problems at distance.


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Remington Vs Other

I am not aware of a Remington Factory Rifle in 308 with a 30" barrel.

You can shoot a 26" barrel to 600 yards, but you will be out of horse power at 800-1000 yards.

Remington just does not "get it" when it comes to long range guns. I don't think their managment even cares about the F-class market.

Remington is catering to the "Tactical Crowd", Camo is in vogue in Reidsville, NC.

The Remington model 700, 870, 1100, have been the back bone of Remingtons products. Now the model 700 clones, and Savage, Mosberg, and Berrettas are taking the shotgun market.

Hate to say it but Savage is kicking Remingtons butt in the long range market.

Nat Lambeth
I am not aware of a Remington Factory Rifle in 308 with a 30" barrel.

You can shoot a 26" barrel to 600 yards, but you will be out of horse power at 800-1000 yards.

Remington just does not "get it" when it comes to long range guns. I don't think their managment even cares about the F-class market.

Remington is catering to the "Tactical Crowd", Camo is in vogue in Reidsville, NC.

The Remington model 700, 870, 1100, have been the back bone of Remingtons products. Now the model 700 clones, and Savage, Mosberg, and Berrettas are taking the shotgun market.

Hate to say it but Savage is kicking Remingtons butt in the long range market.

Nat Lambeth

I tend to agree . . .

The owner's manual for the Rem. 700 Police is addressed to the "Red Ryder crowd." It's basically, "Make sure it's not loaded. Don't point it at stuff you don't intend to shoot. Don't drink and shoot."

I have no objection to the message, but Remington is not addressing the market which buys the Rem. 700 Police. They've evidently smoothed out the surfaces in their trigger -- and then set it at 6 or 7 lbs. They're using a proprietary coating, which evidently requires heat to remove, in order to prevent trigger adjustment. (They should just contract with Jewell, or stop putting triggers in the Rem. 700 Police, just like they're not putting sights on them.)

Evidently, if you modify your trigger adjustments, and send the gun back to Remington for service, Remington returns the rifle with a trigger replacement.

The leade in the chamber is set to CYA, not MOA.

Nonetheless, and here's the point I want to suggest:

Should be a "modified stock" class in shooting, 300 / 600 yd. Factory barrel, factory stock, specified caliber.

In the interim, I'm searching locally for 600 yds of flat, clear ground that's not populated by Red Angus, or Guernsey . . .
For 300, 500, or 600yds, a lot of factory .308 'varmint' or 'tactical' rifles are plenty competitive in F/TR. For that matter, I remember a long-haired country boy with a Southern drawl shooting his HS Precision .308 (okay, not exactly the same sort of 'factory' rifle, but still had a 26" tube) off a combination drag-bag/shooting-mat last year @ Lodi - there were some chuckles initially... until after the scores for the first couple relays were posted. He had a gun he liked, had a good load for it, and didn't worry about what everybody else thought about it - and did pretty doggone well on a fairly tough range, at both 600 & 1000yds.

As for the 30" vs. 26"... if'n you are shooting a .308, it's still sort of a 'flight-of-the-bumblebee' affair by the time you get to 1k, regardless of bullet, barrel, or whatever. The little bit of extra velocity you pick up from the extra 4" of steel isn't going to make or break you (lots of loads out there that will plenty of 'snap' going through the paper @ 1k, even from a 26" or shorter barrel), but it's pretty much 'free', so if you have the chance (and don't intend to use the gun for *anything* else) go for it. I'm partial to the Savage 12 F/TR - but I'm not exactly what you would term an unbiased third party.

Concerning what there 'should be' in terms of classes/categories/rules... I'd suggest getting to a few matches *first*. Then start helping put them on and run them. See if your opinion about 'more rules' and 'more categories' changes. ;)
I shot a stock Remington 308 for a while, except for the trigger. My rifle had a 26" barrel and I shoot 1000 yd. with it as well as 600 yd. The big trouble with a Remington Stock rifle is (in my opinion) only about 20% if them shoot very well, at least that has been my experience. I read that one person said to buy 5 Remington rifles - try them out and keep the one that shoots good and sell the other 4. You didn't say how long your barrel is but if it is shorter than 26 in. you may have trouble keeping the round sonic at 1000. Go for it and good shooting.

The "goop" on the............

adjustment screws isn't that difficult to get off, just slip a small knife or screwdriver blade under it & lift it off. Then, start carefully adjusting......;)
adjustment screws isn't that difficult to get off, just slip a small knife or screwdriver blade under it & lift it off. Then, start carefully adjusting......;)

Nope! X Mark Pro now has a proprietary mix on it that takes HEAT to remove. The screws look like allen keys. I didn't look too closely, tossed it for a Jewell VBR or whatever they call it. 26" bbl. 1:12 twist. Shoots very sub-MOA at 100 yds even with cheap bullets.

Just getting the gun up to speed. Shot some load today, zero'd in. But it was cold and windy, first time out. But this ain't my first rodeo. Had a Rem. 700 Police in 223 Ackley that was doing 0.22 MOA when the weather was right.
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