F-Class in northern nevada?



Hi, new member here. I've looked around and can't find any info about f-class meets in northern nevada. I'd imagine there to be ones at the Washoe Regional Shooting Range but there's not much info to be found.

Anyone know?
Yes, Palomino Valley Gun Club has long range matches pretty much each month. Begins the last weekend of February, and continues throughout the year til November. Normally the last weekend, but depending on how the weeks fall, there can be more than one a month. Matches are held at Washoe County Shooting Facility, and info can be had at: http://palominovalleygunclub.homestead.com/upcomingevents.html

Being an F-Open shooter myself, I'm always happy to have more F Class folks. If there's anything else I can do to help, feel free to PM me.


You can also check out the Utah State website. -www.usrpa.org- We hold monthly 1000yd matches just on the UT side of Wendover.