Eye Health

jim casey

:mad:I Know This Probably Not The Forum For This But Let Me Share An Experience With Benchresters And My Friends.
For Several Months I Had Minor Problems With MY Right Eye. I Blame It On Allegeries, Pollen, Etc. Etc. Tried Washing Out, PILLS, Etc, Etc, Etc. Finally Went To Doctor Who Does MY Eye Glasses FOR CHECKUP AND To Get "stuff" Out Of My RIGHT Eye During THE Third Week Oct . VISIT ResultED IN A Two Minute Doctor Exam And Directions "put ThESE Drops In RIGHT EYE 4 Times A Day Till Gone And All Will Be Well" Three Weeks Later Drops All Gone Eye Seemed Better. THIRD Week Of November Eye Irrated, Blurry MaDe An Appointment With Real Eye Doctor FOR 23 DECEMBER. During A Trip To Dothan Al, ON 18 December 07 Eye Went Almost Blank. :eek: Stopped At Southeast Eye Center WHICH HAS 12 Excellent Eye Doctors - THEY SAY I HAVE Funal Infection May Loose Sight And Eye. Agressive Treatment Required. Started Treatement Got A Liitle Better- Had Reactions To Drugs- Referred To Cornea Specialist EVEN More Agressive Drug Treatment - For 10 Days Eye Steadly Improved After Thursday DOCTOR Visit And FRIDAY (11 JAN 08) Shooting House SeSSION (DEER SEASON) Was Willing To LIve With Vision. The Next Morning EVERYTHING ALL F--- UP. Could Not See My HaNd In Front Of My Face. Went Belly Up Resistant To Drug. Changed Drugs WITH 10 More Days Of No Vision. Emergency Cornea Transplant Last Nite 12 HOURS LATER I CAN NOW COUNT FINGERS ON MY HAND WITH POSSIBILITY OF IMPROVENT. I Now Have Chance To Save Eye And Some Vision THANKS TO GOD AND THREE PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS. :D Moral Of Story: If You Have An Irration Of The Eye That Does Not Go Away In A Few Days Get To Right Doctor Fast. If Drugs Do Not Heal Quickly, Steadly AND With No SETBACKS, Get Graft // Transplant Early Or Face Loss Of Eye And Or Sight. STORY COMMING FROM A 28 YEAR ARMY VET, MASTERS DEGREED, SOUTHERN , DUMB, HARD HEADED ,REDNECK. :)

Glad to hear you are on the upswing! I will keep you in my prayers! Please drop me an email whenever you feel up to it at darnellrmATembarqmail.com. ( replace AT with @ )

Roy Darnell
Was it ur shootin eye..??

Hope you have a full recovery....the doctors today can do miracles with our vision....anyone who works out in the sun...(Farmer-Construction worker-Soilder-etc. )is very prone to eye problems....and lets not forget the horror stories we hear evry day....someone has a lump or bump and next thing u kno..they are down and out .....we all take our health for granted....get well soon...Roger
Damn Jim, didn’t know you were going to go down hill after we talked. Glad it’s getting better.

I know why!!!!!!!!

I know what happened, It bet it came from Rachels Glen having to wake up and look at buddy after a night of Gentlemen Jack, That's got to hurt your sight (sorry Buddy). Get well. Scotty

Hope you heal up ok. I'm going to the doc next week to discuss a cornea transplant. What did they tell you about recovery time before you can shoot again ? My brother had one years ago and he was off work for 6 weeks.

Everyone should see a real eye doctor every so often. Especially your kids.


So sorry to hear of your eye troubles I can only imagine how scary that must be. I sincerely hope that the doctors have got it right and will keep you in our prayers. Frankly though Scotty might be on to something there, a five nights of Gentleman Jack and Buddy Ross could have serious consequences!
Seriously take care of yourself and look forward to shooting next to you soon.
Great Post. Luckily my parents were not happy with the treatment my smalltown eye Dr was giving. They finally went took me to Charlotte to the Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat center. Long Story short, they saved my eye. I was 4 at the time, and still wear glasses. I'm legally blind without them, but with quality optics I still shoot. If I could afford a lense implant, I could throw away the glasses.

I'm glad you got things handled in time.
Pam's eyes have

been bothering her for a week or two. She has no idea why. I will see that she reads this post. I hope you will continue to progress. Take good care of them.
Having eye problems myself muscle twitch,& paralysis with blurred vision.

Try taking B vitamin Biotin for fungal infections 500-1000mcg


Another fungal infection fighter Baking Soda & H20



Herbal Fungal infection fighter Pau D Arco


Bilberry good herb for eyes and night blindness.

Use a Bausch and Lomb Eye moisturizer or another eye drop with
Boric acid in its ingredients kills fungal infection externally.

Could also be Viral or Bacterial Conjunctivitis.
Hang in there BIg Jim. I had an eye complication in 1970. I let it go for too long fooling with an optometrist instead of a ophthalmologist. It cost me eyesight in one eye and partial loss in the other.
Jim, good luck with a speedy recovery.
Scotty and Dwight, I'm just so disappointed in the two of you! Gentleman Jack is one of life's finest elixirs(and Dwight, the well is now dry, for you). And, if awakening sights had ill affects, your mirrors would have done you both in long ago!! ;)
One Week After Cornea Transplant

One Week Ago Today Had Emergency Cornea Transplant. Have Gone From Probably Loosing Eye And All Vision To Now Can Make Out Benchrest Central Heading On This Page As I Type. Doc Says Will Be Up To Year - As Stiches Are Removed And Laskik ? Surg Is Done To Get Back Where I Was. At Least With God's Help There Is Possibility Of Improvement Versus What Was. See Ya!

A friend had the same proceedure and came back to work 2 days later. He lasted about 2 hours and looked like crap. That is really a nasty proceedure. He did end up with great vision and was VERY glad he did it.
My meds blur my vision enough that I had to put crime scene tape on my flags to be able to see them!
Good luck and let us know how your recovery goes.
No Picnic


Glad to hear you're making some progress. I too, went thru that same thing about twenty years ago. Even after 17 surgeries, including two cornea transplants, I still lost my right eye. Had to hire a driver for over five years. Still can't drive, but I have a that covered now, my wife does all the driving. The only thing I can recommend, is that you follow the doctors advice, to the T. Hope all goes well from here on out.
cold sore

Last Oct. I developed an eye problem in left eye. I shoot with right eye. After three trips to local optomitrist who stated he thought it was a virus. He sent me to an opthamoligist who diagnosed it as a cold sore on cornea. Cold sore virus are related to chicken pox virus which causes shingles also. They are herpes zoester or herpes simplex, I think. Anyway on Jan. 20 the opthalmoligist released me back to the optomitrist. I will apparently be on Acycloveer antiviral drugs for the rest of my life. But long story short my vision is back to about 20-30 (corrected) in the left eye. Several different drops every 2 hours or less and massive doses of acycloveer for about 10 to 12 weeeks. I feel very fortunate to have got to a Dr. that knew what I had when I did. I will be 72 in Feb. I am now on 2 Acycloveer pills a day. Take care of those eyes.