Extractor Contacting Barrel

Joe Entrekin

New member
Need a little advice from anyone with experience on this issue. Re-barreled several Sako sporters with match grade barrels from a very reputable maker. Barrels were chambered & fitted by a very competent smith. None of them shoot particularly well. I noticed the last time I was cleaning one of them that there appears to be contact between the extractor & the barrel. What would be the effect of this contact? Seems like I remember a discussion about this sometime in the past, but can't find it. Any help would be apprecated.
Which model Sako ,Most of them have very shallow bolt faces, making the extractor
very prominent. I think the Vixen is probably the worst case. I have one in 223 that
is that way (original) and has shot many very small groups. The older Sako's I have
all seem to suffer from the bolt sleeve. A single tab bayonett which causes them
to tilt allowing some drag. Some more severe than others
If the contact is within the free movement of the bolt with an empty chamber it is harmless. There should be no contact when a cartridge is chambered however...
Will contact make it shoot poorly?

If there is contact against the end of the barrel when a cartridge is chambered it can cause accuracy problems... but it also affects how you size your cases when reloading...
Thanks, I will check this w/ a case in the chamber & see if there is evidence of the extractor rubbing, and let you know, probably Monday.
On that Vixen...................

whether it is an L46 or L461, if you have access to an older one w/the factory barrel, you'll notice there is a bevel on the barrel extension from about 12-12:30 to about 4:30-5 o'clock, that allows the extractor to have a bit extra space if needed, where it does not contact the end of the barrel, yet is able to engage the e-groove on the retraction, and grab the case effectively. Many smiths will just run the bevel 360 around the extension, because its too time consuming to do it right the first time, which results in more unsupported head area.
My Vixen is 1st year Garcia and the barrel tenon face is flat, no relief for extractor. This
is original. The extractor will touch the barrel with no shell, but not with shell in
Well, time has been very short lately, but did check this a couple days ago & no sign of contact between extractor & barrel tenon. BTW, this tenon is flat faced. Brian, I haven't seen the releif cut you mentioned on a Sako, but it is standard on CZ's and the Mini Mausers by Zustafa (Rem 799, etc), and Cooper uses it on their Model 38, maybe others.