Export of action



I have a question....or a couple actually that I hope someone can throw some light on.
I would like to have an action sent from the manufacturer located in Pa to a smith located in NY.
The smith is the fit a barrel chambered by himself,the smith has a FFL and so does the Manufacturer.
What I want to know is to get an action from Pa to NY and then back to Pa what are the legal requirements and complications.

Regards Chris.
If they both have FFL's and do it properly in their acquisition and disposition books it is perfectly legal. You are not exporting the action, it would have to leave the US to be considered an export.
Chris looks like he's in Oz, so shipping the action there and back would likely be about as much entertainment as he could stand.
Larry you are correct in a way,yes I am in Australia but all I want to do is get a new action from Pennsylvania to New York ,have a barrel chambered and fitted and sent back to Pennsylvania again.The export will be handled by a third party once its back in Pennsylvania.

Regards. Chris.