Experimenting with technique. Appreciate some feed-back.


Dwight C

Most of you know I'm a novice BR shooter, preparing to get competitive this coming season.

I'm getting to know an L V, BM500

In my effort to remove the human influence from the shot.
I'm just starting to try the pinch method on the trigger. It feels awkward and unnatural.
But, am getting good results.

Do you think there is enough to be gained, that I should stay with it?

My trigger is two stage right now. ( !st-very light, can barely feel stop, 2nd- about 3 oz. )

With the pinch method, I can feel the stop much better. ( less leverage )
With the traditional method, I sometimes miss the stop and get a premature shot.

Now, is there a definite advantage to a single stage, or is it strictly an individual thing?

Do some top competitors use a two stage trigger, or not?

One more problem.
My rifle chronys - 12.3 fpe. ( 600 shots thru it )

A-should I clip the spring now?
B-wait until after a 1000 shots, or more.
C-find another chrony to check before adjusting.

Appreciate your thoughts, anxious to get your in-put.

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My opinion only.

1. If pinch method works, stay with it. You can try just a finger on the trigger shoe and nothing more. With a 3 oz trigger, it will go off easily.

2. Single or 2 stage is an individual preference thing.

3. Might want to wait on clipping the spring. There is an adjustment that will relieve preload on the spring to bring you into legal power levels.
2 stage vs single stage, really depends on your experience with a 2 stage. When I shot competitive smbore i prefered the 2 stage as I could float in the first stage until things were just right. for br the single I have works fine. both are about 1.5 oz. that 2 stage training also carried over nicely to pistol where some units have a bit of a stretch (Take up) before releasing the sear, or my M1 from the days of high power.

every unit has its own little likes and dislikes, some need a bit more caressing than others.
Bm 500 LV

The Stock was designed to shoot from either side.

I shoot pinch method indoors using my left hand to load and operate the trigger ( I am right handed). Outdoors I grip the stock and operate the trigger with my right hand to make the small last second adjustments for wind with my left hand. There really is no best way for all just the most comfortable and accurate for the individual shooter.

The TM/BM platform is a very comfortable one to shoot as it has plenty of space to load and a smooth cocking cycle. You should not have to trim the hammer spring for a .3 fpe adjustment as you should be able to turn the adjusting nut at the back of the Action 3-4 full turns. If it hits the stock simply remove a bit of material with a dremel. ( from my experience it should not take more than 1/2-1 full turn unless it's over sprung to begin with)

As far as single or two stage that also is personal preference again what feels comfortable to you.

Hope this helps and good luck
