Event(s) calendar


Sonof A. Gunn

Event(s) calendar usefulness

I just looked at the event calendar and don't see:

1 - Holton matches

2 - Harrison

3 - Super Shoot dates

Even the "Major Match Results and Info" on the home page tells you little.

What good are these if events aren't listed? And we wonder why/how to get new shooters?

Why ain't thems on theres? :confused:
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Cripe, even Kelbly's site doesn't give the dates for the SS - only how many days, hours, etc. to go!

Is there some reason for the secrecy? :confused:

If you go to that days, months, seconds page and click "Registration" the resulting page tells the whole deal. Maps are there if you need 'em....
Still wondering why the events calendar seems so incomplete?
Ok, didn't know I was supposed to - however since I don't have info on these (and other) matches I guess others here will have to "step up to the plate".

That is, IF they want new site visitors/potential new shooters to know about upcoming events.

Just trying to help.
If you are member of the NBRSA you receive the (NBRSA NEWS) and in the middle of the new information it has all the region's and their registered NBRSA matches, events and dates. If you are not a member we would sure like to have you join. Thanks Tom
You all seem to think I'm just thinking of myself wanting this info...wrong!

I've posted to bring to all's attention that the event calendar apparently needs some help if it is to serve a useful function here - could save time with new users/potential shooters repeatedly asking "Where can I attend a match near me?" Or they look at the calendar and conclude "no matches near me, so guess I'm not that interested."
Im Guilty..

I know what you are saying....most of the people who really shoot benchrest events know when all the everts are or will be....and the NBRSA news conatins most dates ....naturally some folks wnat to know a yr or so in advance.....but truth be known most events are on the same w/e of the yr most of the time...the Nationals float around and the dates are always known a yr or more in advance.....((just lookin the NBRSA news.))...I try to post a few of the big ones on the calendar (but I am not an officer and always hope things dont change...there are some folks who have no flexibility or can grasp the fact that thngs can and do change once and a while.)...just scan it by the month and the events will be visible....and "everybody" knows that the Super Shoot is the wed. through sat. preceding Memorial Day w/e!!! If not now U do....hope this helps avoid some confusion....Roger