even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while


Danny Creasy

I wanted to make sure my CZ 452 FS sights were spot on for the upcoming 50 yard offhand silhouette match (first Saturdays on Wagnon Mountain). The match has scope, peep, and open sight classes, and I shoot in all three. The FS is my favorite for the open sight class.

I got to the range around 9:00 AM yesterday morning and set up the FS on my Caldwell equipment and opened a new box of SK Std Plus.



I fired the first five shot group. Since I had forgot my spotting scope, I had to walk down to check out the group. It was kinda loose but I had felt myself working through the hold, sight picture, and squeeze as I fired each shot. "You can do better than that Danny," I said to myself.

I returned to the bench and fired the next five with hold, sight picture, and squeeze that felt like concrete. I knew it was going to be a better group, but not that much better. As I wrote on the target, that is the best open sight group that I have ever fired. CZs rock! I considered moving the windage a tad to the left, but opted out. With open sights, the angle of the sun and how your eyes feel that day can influence results. Plus, there was a slight left to right breeze this morning.


Probably helped not having a spotting scope. I would have got spooked after seeing the progressive hits, plus it would have disrupted my routine at the time.
Nice shooting there.

Thats a really nice group with a scope let alone with open sights.
Thanks for sharing with us ,you should be suitably proud.
Nice Shooting.
kind regards Ben
Thank you sir. I have seldom shot groups like that using glass. A neat surprise to walk down and find that. I felt like Charlie Brown when he returned home and discovered the little decorated Christmas tree.