Equipment lists, ARA Indoor, and, IR-50 Indoor Unlimited



It is nice that we see the equipment list for the ARA Indoor Nationals.
Would it be possible to see the equipment list for the IR-50, Unlimited Indoor too? I asked for this 3 weeks ago on this forum.

Some highlights from the ARA equipment list, TOP 20:


Turbo 12
40-X 3
Anschutz 1
Rem 37 1
Suhl 1
Hall 1


Shilen 9
Benchmark 4
Broughton 3
Calfee 2
Lilja 1
Blackstar 1


Eley 17
Lapua 3


Calfee 7
Gorham 5
Davis 2
Myers 2
Monell 1
Brock 1

After looking at the ARA Indoor Nationals Equipment, I see Tony Harper was shooting a Calfee rifle.

A question, is this the same Calfee rifle he used to win the IR-50 Unlimited Indoor?

May I say again after three weeks, I would love to see the top 20, 6 gun equipment list from the IR-50 Unlimited Indoor.

We know who did what in ARA, now, who did what in IR-50?

Does anyone have that information?
Squaty if it's the piney hill 11-08 your talking about the first scorecard shows the equpment list for all shooters. Tony Harper: turbo, shilen, eley.
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Thanks Martin, but I looked on the IR-50 web site and all I see are the scores, where's the equipment list located? Sorry for the trouble but I simply don't see it there?
IR50/50 Equip
Go to the IR50/50 website.
Open the Match Results for a particular match.
Put your Curser over a person's name (Do not Click) and if his equipment was included in the match results that were sent in it will show in a pop up box along with his score for that target.
An NL in the equipment boxes means that they did not enter the equipment in the scoring program.
This is the first year that Wilbur has included equip in the match results. A lot of clubs do not bother to list their equip because in the past it never showed up on the website.

Appreciate it. It looks like you might have set this up so does it give gunsmith name? If so, I can't find it. If not, I'll know to quit looking.
