engraving brass

Prolly not......HEY!, but isn't that what the anti-gunners want anyway? Serialize brass & bullets, jack up the price?????? I'm just gonna paint brass like a peppermint stick.
Prolly not......HEY!, but isn't that what the anti-gunners want anyway? Serialize brass & bullets, jack up the price?????? I'm just gonna paint brass like a peppermint stick.

i have a 9.3 X 62 hanging from my key chain. I'd like to put the phrase "Your Name Here" on it.

sort of makes it universal for all the liberals on my 'list'
Send it to me and I'll engrave it on my jewlery engraver, and send it back, Free

Center Shot Rifles
5331 2nd ave.
Pittsville WI 54466

Jim See
I took the 30-06 rounds that the Military Rites folks shot for the salute at my grandfather's funeral to a local engraving shop. Had his full name and dates of birth and death engraved on them to give to my mother and her siblings and all the grandkids. They charged I think 6 dollars apiece. If I would have taken 10 or less it would have been 8 dollars apiece. I'm unsure if they laser engraved or not. They are on the web at 2bpersonalized.com. Don't know how to post that as a link.

I can do it on a CNC mill for you.

PM if interested.
Laser engraving...

Butch and others you might look at North East Laser in Conn. They do my Micrometer Adjustable Reamer Stops. They have a web site.
