End of my shooting days

First Sergeant

Working @ Retirement
To the IR 50/50 shooting brotherhood my days of competing has sadly ended. As those of you who know me health issues have continued to plague me and have now even limited my mobility. I will miss seeing and talking to many of you who I have come to know over the years.

I want to urge everyone who has dropped out because of conflicts with others or been banned for petty misdeed to return to a game you have loved, the aggravation it brings you.

After all it is only an expensive game in the end.

Jason, good luck to you running this game from the top of the pile. Changes come slowly with much gashing of teeth, every shooter out there has an opinion, which like A** ****S are many. You will loose some ranges, you will gain a few, some will deflect to ARA. Personality/Ego 101 will try to rule the day. Value the input of your range masters, seek their council, then make your call and move on. Some will follow and others pout.

In closing, remember you are only trying to place a little piece of deformed lead in a round hole after all and the wind your enemy.

Thanks for the memories, Klayton
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Sorry to hear this!!

Very sorry to hear that you are going to have to step away, it was very enjoyable
knowing and shooting with you!!
Thank You!
I've seen this coming all last season Klayton & I'm truly sorry it come to this. Its been an adventure for sure!
Take care of you my friend!

I never met Klayton, First Sergeant, but I’m sure he was a fine fellow. I never met a first sergeant I didn’t like. I wish we had met on the field of combat. I would have learned much. Happy Retirement, Klayton.
Klayton, its your call. I'm now 80 and have spent the last 21 years running the IBS and NBRSA circuit and 21 Super Shoots. In rimfire I've shot some IR 50/50 PSL and ARA.

I'm hanging up the traveling part but dang it one of my local rages is starting UBS!!

I guess I'll give that a further go.

I guess what I'm saying, don't quit now.
I have very much enjoyed our talks at matches and the company......I will miss both.
