Email from my US Senator Texas

Butch Lambert

Active member
Dear Mr. Lambert:

Thank you for contacting me regarding federal firearms laws. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this matter.

As a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, I believe it is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen's constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection. Restricting this right runs counter to the intent of our Founding Fathers, who expressly guaranteed that citizens would retain the right to keep and bear arms.

It is encouraging that the Supreme Court has upheld the will of our Founders and re-affirmed the ideals our country was established upon. The Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller provides a greater guarantee that Americans' Constitutional rights remain secure from federal government intrusion. I was proud to sign an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in that case stating an individual’s right to bear arms is fundamental. This historic ruling continues to have implications far beyond the District of Columbia. In 2010, the Supreme Court decided in McDonald v. City of Chicago to strike down the arbitrary gun ban in Chicago—and thereby affirm that the Second Amendment safeguards against state and local encroachments on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

As a former Texas Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General, I have firsthand knowledge of crime-fighting policies that work, and I believe that citizens' Second Amendment rights should not be restricted because of the actions of criminals. Rather, we must focus our attention on the source of violent crime: criminals who use firearms to commit crimes. I believe that strictly enforcing the law—and meting out tougher sentences for career criminals and those who use firearms when committing crimes—will reduce crime more effectively than gun or equipment bans, which primarily serve to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens.

I appreciate the opportunity to represent Texans in the United States Senate, and you may be certain that I will continue working with my colleagues to protect our Second Amendment rights. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856
Same Letter

And he still calls me mister. I was privileged to have him work for, me back in the 70? Any one remember "The Fuller Brush Man"?
—and thereby affirm that the Second Amendment safeguards against state and local encroachments on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

To me, this is the most meaningful AND meaningless statement in the whole debate. Show me where there is any attempt to safeguard us against state and local encroachments. Some states are gun friendly, (i.e. TX) some states are not, (i.e. NY). Until you get someone in the White House that is willing to force the issue like Obama did with Arizona on immigration laws not being constitutional, nothing will change. And I doubt the person willing to do that will be electable in our current political setting.
this is very tricky ground.
we are 50 states which govern themselves.
the supreme court is SUPPOSE to only hear cases where state lines are crossed...telecomunication, frieght.....not local gun rules.
while the supreme court has heard cases they should not, that does not make it right.
basically if you live in a state you must work within the state to correct local laws.....
i do not have an answer.....
i suppose the case coulld be made that a person from another state while traveling in new york, has his rights infringed if he is not allowed to bear arms while in new york.

mike in co
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Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought it was the federal government’s job to uphold federal constitutional rights. A state can't decide they want to allow slavery or limit free speech or deny right to a fair trial can they? Wouldn't it be the feds job to step in?
there are no federal rights...there are rights per the constitution....
a classic example was desegregation in the south and the civil rights events in the south....

i do not remember what the supreme court used as a "reason" for entering an internal state issue......

maybe some one will enlighten us..

mike in co
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Butch, if he's really on your "ignore list," please ignore him.

Guessing is just not becoming

Mr. John Cornyn is a good man. He has represented the people of Texas and the United States well as a senator. He might be considered a little dull by some because he doesn't play games. He is what a repsentative of the people should be. I am glad to have him as my Senator.

Concho Bill, Texan
Dear Mr. Lambert:

Thank you for contacting me regarding federal firearms laws. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this matter.

As a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, I believe it is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen's constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection. Restricting this right runs counter to the intent of our Founding Fathers, .........

I appreciate the opportunity to represent Texans in the United States Senate, and you may be certain that I will continue working with my colleagues to protect our Second Amendment rights. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856

Jeez John. All this time I thought the founders wanted to protect our access to the mechanisms necessary to discourage the ambitions of tyrants. Oh well.

Letter From My Senator - A Little Different Take

Dear Mr. Perkins:
Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation.
In the wake of the tragic December 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, there has been a surge in the introduction of congressional legislation attempting to address gun violence. A ban on assault weapons, restrictions on ammunition and magazines, and increased background check requirements have all been proposed.
As you may know, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and I do not believe that our society needs more laws restricting gun ownership. What we really need is to do a better job of keeping guns out of the hands of those who should not have them, while ensuring that those who break existing laws are fully prosecuted.
To that end, I support more effective and broader background checks for those purchasing firearms. For example, the state of Arizona has more than 120,000 records of mentally ill individuals barred from buying guns – but Arizona has not shared those records with the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which checks the names and records of would-be gun buyers to determine if they are disqualified from receiving firearms. At the same time, it is incumbent upon lawmakers to ensure that those eligible to buy guns can do so without untimely delays. I therefore am opposed to universal background checks on private sales, which would be extremely costly and apply to private transfers between family members, friends, neighbors, and even firearms passed down through wills.
Thank you again for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to do so again in the future. I also encourage you to visit my website, which may be found at


United States Senator

I don't support the broader background checks but find it interesting that the mentally ill records are not shared/available for that purpose.

We in Maine for Senators

Great..and I am stuck with Gillebrand , Schumer, and Peter King.....

Have Angus King, an independent former governor, energy entrepreneur and wind tower developer of late. He Caucasus with the democrats if that tells you anything about his social leanings.

Then we have Susan Collins, a republican. She is a moderate, some have called her a rino. I keep emailing her to encourage her to do the right thing and not support the administration. We will see. If she caves on this, she really is a rino. Greg...and I VOTE!!
I think he missed it...

"I believe it is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen's constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection."

2nd ain't about that stuff...legitimate indeed...

Doesn't really matter if he missed it as long as there are no concessions. My guys missed it too.