Does anybody do business with Elk Ridge reamer Rentals? I went on-line, rented a reamer, got an order confirmation by email, and then, a day later somebody called me and wanted to raise the rental $20. Is this a scam? I can't imagine not being able to rent something at the advertised price, providing you had it to rent. So, does he not own the reamers he advertised? Is he crooked? Not very smart? I sold on the internet for 10 years. It is the most unforgiving and consumer oriented venue there is. You can't scam the customers and stay in business. If you want to raise prices you need to do it in advance. If you make a minor mistake you eat it and drive-on. Also, everybody's on-line with the same stuff. Your minor increase prices you out of the market. You can't expect your customers to understand. They had a choice.