Eley Sluggers


Bob Collins

I got as note from Daniel with Eley yesterday saying that they could not get the Eley Sluggers on the shipment that left last week - 2-19-08. I hope that they will be on the next shipment.
Bob Collins

I hope that it does come in around the 14th of March - I think the weather will have the biggest effect on when the container arrives. Daniel told me that there was 50 cases of Tenex and a good supply of Team (new name for the flat nose – was Club EPS) and Club (round nose ?) along with some of the blue USA Shooting and Match. If it’s in I hope to have a good supply at the Crawfish – I made reservations this morning.
Gary Mitchell is retiring from the match directors position at Crisp Area Gun Club and Rod is going to run the matches. This way Gary says he can shoot, but he can’t if he has to run the matches too. We are going to have the GA State and Sporter Nationals at Crisp Area May 23, 24, and 25th and I hope everyone will come and see Gary, he’s not into traveling long distances like he use too.
Bob Collins