eley or lapua???



i just got me a annie 1712 and i want to shoot in some matches...i"ve heard good and bad about both bullets...can you guys chime in and help me out with a good starting point, speed, brand, etc. i hate to pump piles of $$ down my barrel if i can be put in the rite direction from people who have tried it all!! i think this can benifit alot of others as well. also i had this thing beded , what kind of torque on action screws???? i cant wait to see the replies.. thanks alot for any help! Im just tryin to learn
there has to be a good starting point doesnt there? I sayin why but 1080 speed if normally this gun shoots 1050s..this may be stupid and i dont want to sound stupid, but i'd bet the average annie will shoot something close to what others shoot.just a start

I've got a 1907 Annie (54) that likes Lapua center-x really well. Before that I shot SK rifle match with some good results.

I would pick up a box of Eley Match EPS, around 1050 - 1060 fps from each of the 4 machines and see if your rifle has a preference for a certain machine. Then you might try a couple boxes of Lapua for comparision.. Like the above post say, try some Wolf Match Target and Match Extra, you might be surprised..

i have found hold off with eley in the wind to be half that of lapua. each shoots very well, but you'll have to find the lot that your rifle likes better.
BIGRED PLANE, point well takin. seems eley is more consistant... now.. red, black, whats the diff.