Eley ammo



Hello ladies and gents.....boys and girls.

I have been bitten by the benchrest bug and have a couple of questions for you experienced shooters. I just wanted to understand the difference between the following ammo codes from Zanders/Killough shooting:

EL22MEPS (black box match)
A01100 (black Box Match EPS)
EL22USA (Match USA)

I am assuming that they are all the same since they are all Black Box Match EPS. Is this correct or is there really a difference? :confused:
They are the same with the exception that USA costs a bit more as a donation to USA shooting.
They have changed the coding for the Match EPS(Black box) when they went to the new labels. The old label is EL22MEPS and the new is A01100. The Match USA is the same black box match, but it has a blue USA label on it and it is all from the 4 machine. It used to be higher because part of the proceeds went to the USA shooting team, but now it is the same price as the black box match.
Just curious is there any difference between the machines. I hear so much that the #5 machine is the best because it is newer but does it really make a difference? Or does it go back to the old saying to try them all to see what does the best in your particular rifle. Seems like if you tried all of the machines, speeds and lot #'s you would spend a fortune in testing just to have to do it again the next year or when you ran out of the particular ammo your rifles like. i knwo that you have got to pay to play but Whew....So do you find what speed your rifle likes then try the different machine #s and not worry about lot #s? just trying to get a grasp of the best way to handle finding the best ammo for my rifle.
Sinjin: Test-test-test . When you find what ammo your gun likes best buy as much as you can afford. You will find that those with deeper pockets will buy the majority of the product. This is why the playing field will never be level for everyone. Buy your ammo from Dan Kilough -Ask him about things you want to know about. He is the best one to deal with and is fair to everyone. just my opinion. garrisone.
Garrisone you are right about Dan. I talked to him little bit at the ARA indoors and he was a great person to talk to. I was just wondering about the machines and other things as I stated above. I hope that someone will inform me of such since I know that there are individuals on here that have that knowledge. I wil admit that I am a newbie and ignorant about a lot of things related to this world.......but ignorance is cureable and I hope that some of the fine people on here will help someone wanting to learn.:D
Garrisone you are right about Dan. I talked to him little bit at the ARA indoors and he was a great person to talk to. I was just wondering about the machines and other things as I stated above. I hope that someone will inform me of such since I know that there are individuals on here that have that knowledge. I wil admit that I am a newbie and ignorant about a lot of things related to this world.......but ignorance is cureable and I hope that some of the fine people on here will help someone wanting to learn.:D

Sinjin: send me a pm and we will talk more .garrisone.