Elbertton Ga, vfs IBS match

roger avery

New member
On behalf of the club, I would like to thank all who joined in the fun. The weather was hot and humid and mother nature provided plenty of whatever you wanted to play with. I think the range knew this was its first match, so decided to kick up her heels. I'll give the top three in the yardages and grand

1oo 1.David Dumas 250-22x 2. Henry Rivers 250-21x 3. Roger Avery 250-20x
200 1.Ron Collins 250-7x 2.Miles Gibby 249-12x 3. Roger Avery 249-9x
Grand 1.Ron Collins 500-27x 2.Roger Avery 499-29x 3.Johnny Lorick 499-? I just cant remember that x count
thanks roger,
Roger, ya'll did a GREAT job, smoothly run, no complaining that I heard, the range it's self, the target, shooting line, cooking and scoring crews did a damn good job and the sweet tea was johnny (loric)(sic) on the spot! I think johnny & myself drank more tea than everybody there combined. I can't wait until the ga state match there later this year!!

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,, (especially @ elberton)
Vfs-elberton Ga.

Like to also thank everyone at Elberton for putting on a great shoot, the range can be tough as it proved to be, but I think everyone had a good time !!!

