Edge stock angles???

Dennis D.

I'm modifying an Edge stock to take the angle out of the butt to make it parallel to the bottom line of the forearm for use on a rimfire BR gun, straight recoil as it were. Here's my problem, when I set the barrel to be parallel with the bottom of the forearm it looks weird because the top of the fore arm tapers down so it makes the barrel look like it's pointing up at an angle. If you set the barrel to follow the top line of the stock so it looks normal the barrel is actually pointing down in relation to the bottom line of the stock. So here's my question, is there a technical reason to have the barrel pointed down or is this just the lines they chose to make the stock look pretty. Seems to me I recall a comment by Speedy some years ago that he likes the barrel pointing slightly upward to keep the butt down in the bag.

Would that it were so simple. Scroll down to the second post in this thread:


The easiest way to keep things in the bags is with weight. With the weight-restricted classes, I don't know any completely successful model. Maybe Varmint Al has some ideas.

As there are no stock rules, 1,000 yard benchrest shooters have tried most of the things Jerry Stiller wondered about. I've seen rifles with just a plate on the action, and a plate on the barrel, to fit the bags. They shot no better or worse than all the other stocks. Of course, RF shooters will tell you that nothing that comes from CF is of any use. On their charitable days, they will allow that most of the laws of physics still apply...
Thanks for the link. With a 10.5 weight limit it gets a little tough. With the longer barrels and a heavy tuner hanging off the end it's hard to get a good balance. Another 4 or 5 inches of forearm would be nice.

Yeah, we shooters do seem to be an opinionated lot. Probably because so many different thing work it's hard to nail down the one and only best way.
