Easthampton IR 50/50 - June 13 Results



Bob Hill 248 12
Bob Griffin 248 9
Dave Strate 245 11

Bob Hill 250 13
Gary Hamilton 249 10
James Wirehouse 248 15

Gary Hamilton 250 19
Ed Hosier 250 18
George Boyle 250 17

Gary Hamilton 249 14
Ray Hill 249 11
Pete Roberson 248 16

Ray Hill 250 11
Pete Roberson 250 10
Gary Hamilton 249 12

Pete Roberson 249 14
Gary Hamilton 248 15
Ray Hill 247 12
Thanks for posting the scores. It is appreciated for guys like me that can't make a lot of matches.

Thanks Again
Thank you Mike for all you do. I know first hand it isn't easy to run a match as well as you do.
Congrats to all the shooters. Hope to see all the old and new faces at Angle Tree next month
A special thanks to Maryellen for that 250 brownie
Thanks again
Good Times


Another great shoot ! Good job with all the scoring and I especially like your approach to the new rule for leaving guns on the bench, and after the cease fire is called , showing bolts before taking guns off the line. I will be using that same method out to Angle Tree. Big Thanks to Gordon Eck for the new Sporter..
Always some tough competition up to that range. Not sure where all that wind came from in the morning, but it kept things from becoming a trigger pulling contest. Nice shooting with the guys from CT. as well as James and Ed from NY. Congrats to Pete Roberson on the UL Agg. Thanks Mary Ellen for providing the brownies for all 250"s shot out there. Always a pleasure shooting with Bob G. and Gary H., Pete Wass., Walt and Don. See you guys at the State shoot next Month.

Bob Hill
Thanks for posting the scores. It is appreciated for guys like me that can't make a lot of matches.

Thanks Again

You and Mel are missed at the matches. Your sense of humor and "let's have some fun" attitude is, at times, desperately needed.

Sad to say where we are now in rim fire. Leaves little room for beginners. The norm now seams to be, Shoot a couple bricks of ammo and get a couple pins and internet praise.

You Pete Bob G and Bob H are doing a fine job of bringing in new shooters to the north east matches. In the end that is what really matters.
Keep up the good work