Easthampton Fish and Game - May 12 IR 50/50 Results



Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, althought the winds were a bit brisk and a challenge to most shooters.
Congrats to Bill, Paul and Pete for their 250's


Name Place Score X's
Penny Hadfield 1 248 14
Bill Buskey 2 247 15
Bob Griffin 3 247 8

10 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's
Paul Bendix 1 249 13
Bob Griffin 2 249 12
Bill Buskey 3 248 16

13 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's
Paul Bendix 1 250 16
Bill Buskey 2 250 13
Tim Wagner 3 249 16

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's
Bill Buskey 1 745 44
Penny Hadfield 2 745 42
Tim Wagner 3 740 37

Unlimited 1
Name Place Score X's
AL Hadfield 1 249 11 fm22
Penny Hadfield 2 249 11 fm14
Bob Hill 3 248 16

Unlimited 2
Name Place Score X's
Penny Hadfield 1 248 15
Pete Roberson 2 246 15
AL Hadfield 3 246 10

Unlimited 3
Name Place Score X's
Pete Roberson 1 250 12
Walt Tarka 2 249 16
Bob Griffin 3 249 14

Unl Agg
Name Place Score X's
Penny Hadfield 1 743 42
Pete Roberson 2 742 42
AL Hadfield 3 741 28
Thanks for running the matches at Easthampton. Not sure if I was happier with my New Randolph rest? Shooting my first 250 of the season with Blue box Eley? Talking and shooting with everyone? Great food and Maryellen's Brownies?

I guess all of the above!

Great Match Michael!

Thanks again Michael!
Great shooting Paul, Bill and Pete on your 250's! Also thanks to Penny and Al
for the great UL match... you guys picked up where you left off last season..winning! Nice shooting with the new Angle tree boys! I'm looking forward to the next match!

Thanks for running such a great match, but next time could you see about doing something with that wind? My guess would be that I spent ±40% of the time shooting waiting for my 4th out of 7 flags to come around and agree with the other 6, and when it did, wouldn't you know my number 1 flag would usually start to meander around. Damn Frustrating!

It was great seeing everybody again and to meet the boys from Angletree, plus to see the 250's shot in less than ideal conditions, and who was shooting them.

See you all next month,
