Easthampton 4/26 Results



It was rainy ... it was cold ... the wind was calm and it was a lot of fun. Here's the results:

Michael Gallant 249 16
Bob Griffin 248 15
Bill Buskey 248 13

Bill Buskey 249 18 25
Paul Vobecky 249 18 9
Michael Gallant 249 16

Paul Vobecky 250 20
Bob Griffin 250 19
Bill Buskey 249 19

3-Gun Agg
Bill Buskey 746 50
Michael Gallant 745 45
Bob Griffin 744 51

UL 1
Paul Vobecky 250 17
Bill Buskey 249 15
Bob Griffin 247 15

Bob Griffin 250 15
Paul Vobecky 249 15
Michael Gallant 248 16

Bill Buskey 250 20
Paul Vobecky 250 14
Bob Griffin 249 15

UL Agg
Paul Vobecky 749 46
Bill Buskey 747 51
Bob Griffin 746 45
Wow Michael that was quick. As always, thanks for a great match. Next time, turn up the heat a bit. Congrats on you Sporter win. Now Gordon only asked me to let you win one. So next time, LOOK OUT! :D

Congrats to Paul on some nice shooting in the UL and to Bob for his couple 250s and his UL-2 win. See you in 2 weeks Michael. Oh, my wife already hit those brownies. Thank MaryEllen for us. - Bill

ps, This was a very educational for me. I learned The Un-Calfee, likes it dirty. :eek:

pps, Paul and I were both SAPs. He with his Copperhead and me with - - well you know.
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Hard to believe you even hit the target, let alone 10's and X's with those pathetic Copperheads/2500Xs. I'll bet you super glued a third lug onto both of them....didn't you! LOL


Good Shoot'n!
Easthampton Match Report

Hat's off to you Mike. It ain't easy to win the sporter when you're shooting with the best there is in this part of the country.
And congrats to all you guys that braved the rain and the cold . Great shooting ya'll
Wow Michael that was quick. As always, thanks for a great match. Next time, turn up the heat a bit. Congrats on you Sporter win. Now Gordon only asked me to let you win one. So next time, LOOK OUT! :D

Congrats to Paul on some nice shooting in the UL and to Bob for his couple 250s and his UL-2 win. See you in 2 weeks Michael. Oh, my wife already hit those brownies. Thank MaryEllen for us. - Bill

ps, This was a very educational for me. I learned The Un-Calfee, likes it dirty. :eek:

pps, Paul and I were both SAPs. He with his Copperhead and me with - - well you know.

250 20X with a 2500X and a cut rifle barrel....Man O Man that must have been double Killer Bill !

Hat's off to you Mike. It ain't easy to win the sporter when you're shooting with the best there is in this part of the country.
And congrats to all you guys that braved the rain and the cold . Great shooting ya'll

Thanks Ray .. Gordon did a nice job on my new Turbo and Bill B. was gracious enough to "let me have this win" <smirk>

250 20X with a 2500X and a cut rifle barrel....Man O Man that must have been double Killer Bill !


Yeah, I know, if it only had good ignition just think what it could do. I learned today that that this cut-rifled barrel likes to shoot dirty. I was noticing it was taking awhile for it to really settle down. For that last target I just dry patched it. I got to thinking that when I was shooting at Gordon's shop that I would shoot some groups before shooting those good targets. I was very happy with the X counts I was getting.
Thanks Ray .. Gordon did a nice job on my new Turbo and Bill B. was gracious enough to "let me have this win" <smirk>


Michael, that rifle shoots as well as it looks. You finally have the right tools. You'll have many successes and I'm sure a sporter 250 is in your near future.
Excellent shooting Michael!! Must have felt good, especially for the first match of the season! Looks like you'll be the guy to look out for this year...Sorry we couldn't make it to this one...Gordon, looks like you still have the magic in that shop of yours. Keep up the good work. Congrats to all the shooters for the good scores in those conditions....

Excellent shooting Michael!! Must have felt good, especially for the first match of the season! Looks like you'll be the guy to look out for this year...Sorry we couldn't make it to this one...Gordon, looks like you still have the magic in that shop of yours. Keep up the good work. Congrats to all the shooters for the good scores in those conditions....


Bob, the conditions were quite good actually. The only things moving were us shivering shooters trying to stay warm. The flags were quite still most of the time. We missed the Hill Boyz and the Hadfields.
Easthampton results

Congrats Mike! Can't wait to see your new Turbo.

It looks like the Massachusetts Mafia skipped you in pairs!

Me and the Pup wish we were there.

I was positive your rests would bring me a point or two...no, wait, she always gets the good stuff.

We hope to see all of you soon.


Glad your shoot and shooting went so well. That Sporter of yours sounds like it will be the gun to follow. Here's wishing you many 750's over the course of this season.

Dave Shattuck
Looking forward to seeing the Hills, Hadfields and Ryans at Angletree next week.

Dave - are you going to shoot any rimfire this year?

Michael, Great Match, Congratulations on the Sporter. It is one good looking, and more important good shooting rifle. Thanks the Mrs. for the brownies. I completely enjoyed the day, (could have been a tad warmer), but everyone dealt with it. See ya soon. Thanks again.