East-West Show-Me Shootout Match results...

Ron Hoehn

New member
It's 6:45, and I just got home, but here are the highlights:
L.V. 100 yards
1. Jack Neary .1842
2. Bill Symons .2101
3. Jim Fowler .2138
L.V 200 yards
1. Jeff Graves .2248
2. Dave Dowd .2575
3. Andy Shifflett .2617
L.V Grand
1. Jeff Graves .2298
2. Andy Shifflett .2531
3. Dave Down .2641
4. Dwight Scott .2714
5. Harley Baker .2714
1. Lowell Hottenstein .1948
2. Harley Baker .2050
3. Bill Symons .2074
H.V. 200
Dave Coots .2570
2. Dan Groleau .2720
3. Bart Sauter .2734
H.V. Grand
1 Bill Symons .2416
2. Harley Baker .2475
3. Lowell Hottenstein .2484
4. Jack Neary .2560
5. Ron Boyd .2606
1.Harley Baker .2606
2. Bill Symons .2622
3. Jack Neary . 2709
4. Dave Dowd .2724
5. Dwight Scott .2750
6. Lowell Hottenstein .2777
7. John Stewart .2796
8. Greg Reed .2864
9. Ron Hoehn .2906
10. Jerry Kloppel . 2919
Thanks Ron

We appreciate your efforts to get this info out. We know that you must be tired after a working from daylight to dark. Thanks again. James
"Lo-Torque" Baker

grabs another one. Congrats Harley!

Hot-Hot Hot

Saturday my thermometer said 101 at one time in the shade. Temps were in the high 80's and felt balmy on Sunday.

I hardly recognized Harley in his civilian clothes.

Thanks for the well run match Ron.

Congratulations Harley, Bill, and Jack. Great Shooting!

I wish I could have been there, but the big "B" has me busy at work.

Nice shooting all you competitors from Michigan; Dwight, Lowell, Greg and Bill Symons (you are shooting great Bill, keep it up).

Lee :D