Durham Pistol & Rifle Club - The Berm is Gone!!


After a year plus of pleading and begging the club's board of directors, they finally removed the midrange berm that used to sit right in front of the 50Y boards.

We open our IR50/50 season on 4/28 and hope this change will encourage folks to come out and shoot with us.
We'll be shooting a double 3gun and double unlimited match in alternating months.
April 28 - double 3 gun - both SOTY
May 12 - double unlimited - both SOTY
June 23 - double 3 gun - both SOTY
July 28 - double unlimited - both SOTY (this date subject to change)
August 11 - double 3 gun - first match SOTY
September 22 - double unlimited - first match SOTY










What will the cost be to shoot your matches? Did Durham Rifle and pistol Club remove the old burms at their cost or will the cost be passed on to members and guest shooters? garrisone.
Looks like you took all the fun out of it!


Trust me, there still a lot of fun left out there for everyone to "enjoy"
The "fun" I won't miss is weed whacking the top of that berm.
It didn't take much more than 6-8" of grass and weeds to start encroaching into the bottom or your target.
What will the cost be to shoot your matches? Did Durham Rifle and pistol Club remove the old burms at their cost or will the cost be passed on to members and guest shooters? garrisone.

Fees will be $5/target, $15 for one match, $30 for both.
Same for 3gun and Unlimited.

The renovations were approved by the board of directors and funded from the club's general operating budget.
I guess you could say it was paid for by the members as it's the member dues that fund the club's annual budget.
There are/were no separate "assessments" resulting from completion of the work.
Jeffrey -- save an old man some investigative work, & tell me what isn't allowed with RF unlimited. I was planning to build a rail gun for point-blank centerfire, but I may just turn that into a RF, since there are many more matches within a couple hours driving distance. But the pieces I already have are for a CF rail gun. Would any of those (everything but action & barrel) be illegal, immoral, or downright disgusting for RF unlimited?

(BTW, congratulations getting rid of the berm. Now, how about that hole on the right, just around/beyond the 50 yard line? I've shot DP&R as Joel Pendergraft's guest a few times, and that hole is a wonder...)
If they don't like it, you can bring your rail gun to any ARA match and be very welcome....
In the downright discusting area; remember, RF is score and you have to be able to cover the whole target with your rail adjustments.

Jeffrey -- save an old man some investigative work, & tell me what isn't allowed with RF unlimited. I was planning to build a rail gun for point-blank centerfire, but I may just turn that into a RF, since there are many more matches within a couple hours driving distance. But the pieces I already have are for a CF rail gun. Would any of those (everything but action & barrel) be illegal, immoral, or downright disgusting for RF unlimited?

(BTW, congratulations getting rid of the berm. Now, how about that hole on the right, just around/beyond the 50 yard line? I've shot DP&R as Joel Pendergraft's guest a few times, and that hole is a wonder...)


My first instinct regarding rail guns is they are probably not allowed.

The following is from the 50/50 rulebook:

13.5 LB
Unlimited scope power. Gun and scope must weigh 13.50000 lbs. or under. Stock must be 3" or under at its widest point. Barrel, action, or sleeve can be bedded. Bedding can be by glue-in or bolt in. Gun must be designed to be shoulder fired. The bottom of the butt of stock that comes in contact with rear sandbag must be either convex or flat. If flat, the bottom of the butt of stock must be 1" or under in width. The bottom of the forearm must be either convex or flat, except for position style stocks with a hand stop slide. Adding small rails or reshaping the stock to form a mini-rail system is not allowed. No electronic or mechanically assisted triggers allowed.

And this addition for the Unlimited matches:
50/50 rules apply except for the following additions and/or changes:

Unlimited scope, unlimited weight, any rest is legal, and pistols are legal. Gun and/or rest cannot be attached to the bench. No electronic or mechanically assisted triggers.

I think the reference to the gun being designed to be shoulder fired under the 13.5lb rule,
the reference that all regular IR rules apply to the Unlimited, except for the exceptions noted,
and that reference not being removed as part of the Unlimited rule,
leaves me with the feeling they aren't allowed.

Too bad, I'd welcome the opportunity to shoot against one.
The range looks really nice!!! It is definitely an improvement, from what the pics show. Well done. Hopefully I can get down there and shoot some with you guys this year.
Disclaimer !! This is not an official response ,obviously.
There were several rail guns used in RBA and IR 50 unlimited competitions about 10 years ago. Bill Myers had one of the better ones I saw. They quit being used because they would not out shoot the one piece or two piece setups. That, coupled with the extra work of dragging them around, pretty much drove them off.
Don, I didn't figure with the 25-target card that a rail would outshoot a bag gun. It was more that I have most of the pieces ready to go for a rail -- well, I *think* I do, it's been sitting a few years.