Dunhams Bay NY??



Anyone hear anything about the winter group shooting matches at Dunhams?
Most of the feeling is back in my trigger finger. Might want to try that again.
Joe Hecht
Not Yet.

Bruce has not sent me the schedule yet, but if you forward me your email address as soon as I here something I will forward you the schedule.

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Dunham's Bay Match's

Hello Joe,

The schedule for the Bay is as follows,

Jan. 3rd
Jan. 10th
Feb. 21st
Feb. 28th
March 7th
See you at the match.

Thanks Russell

Hope to make at least a few of those. Gotta break in my snowshoes somehow;)
I am hoping to make it out there if my rifle gets to me in time. I may have to borrow my father's rifle, and pretend I can shoot as well as it can. Can't wait to get shooting again!
What Snowstorm?

I here there is a warm front moving in with no wind for tomorrow!
Lunch may be the best part of the day!
Went Back To Bed

I am usually rarin' to go when it comes to going to a match, but this morning I opened the door at 4:30am it was 8 degress without the wind chill and it was blowing 25-30 mph with guest up to 40 mph with blowing snow. Then the thought crossed my mind that I still had to drive 3 hours north to colder and snowier, windier weather and my wife was laying in a nice warm bed. Needless to say, the match was put on the back burner today. At least it was not a total loss, as I did get 275 pieces of Lapua .220 Russian sized for fireforming. Would be interested in knowing who showed up at the Bay today.
Well, not me.
I can deal with cold. I can deal with snow. I can even deal with cold and snow together. WIND, Cold and Snow forgetaboutit!!!

I need to retune my ppc too, not that it ever was in tune of course. Its just been very windy on the few days I've had some free time. I'm not one of those guys that can develop loads in a Hurricane:D
Mother Nature wouldn’t have it.

Hey Russell

All day Saturday I was trying to get motivated but pretty much ruled it out late last night. The only work I got done today was running the snow blower. Hope to see you next week.

Hey Russell 6 hardy souls showed at Central Jersey yesterday. Amazing thing is nobody shot over an 1", got real close though. Probably the worst conditions since I've been running the match. If I didn't have to be there I would have stayed home myself. Hope the wind clams down before next Sunday when we shoot 200yds!!!!

Fifteen Shooters showed up at the "BAY" yesterday. To say the least it was COLD, WINDY, and spitting Snow. (It was still fun). Aggs. Below.

Allie Euber - 2232
Josep Petrikonis - 2568
Bob Griffin - 2978
Harold Miller - 3024
Lee Euber - 3032
Paul Mitchell - 3034
Jim Griffin - 3092
Frank Danisienka - 3096
Tom Foley - 3512
Scott Miller - 3592
Tom Peria - 3636
Kenneth Stelzl - 3686
Robert Blanchard - 3730
Kim Monthony - 3766
Wyatt Fox - 4522
Real Men

Ok, Now I feel really bad I should have been there to watch Allie Euber shot a Very Impressive agg. of .2232 in those conditions. I guess this is where they seperate the men from the boys. Great Shooting Allie, Joe & Bob!!!!