Dual gun shil and bench
Mainly shoot silhouette but owe a great deal to local bench rest shooters who took me under their wings to provide insights to cleaning, reloading and other related subjects.
Shoot an Anschutz 54.18 ms with a bumped Premier 14.5 to 50X. It takes time to get used to the higher magnifications, but once you do, you'll be spoiled.
The Primers come up for sale on the "Steel Chickens" shil forum form time to time. Typically the ones based on the 1" tubes and the 6.5 x 40's.
Champion Shooters Supply sells a drop in Kelby benchrest stock that takes a 54 action. This cold get you started, at a local level at least.
I use bench rest stocks for load development (centerfire) 7-08, as the good shil stocks do not track well in the bags.
Hope this provides some help.