Dr. Mike Kihne passes

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
The shooting sports lost a special person with the passing of Dr. Mike Kihne recently following a brief illness. Whether it was IMSHA hand guns, Benchrest, indoor handguns, prairie dogging or shooting .22's for fun, Mike was first and foremost a shooter.

I had the pleasure of knowing Mike not only as a talented, caring professional in his career as a Radiologist but also as a solid, trusted friend. He was truly the most inquisitive person I've ever known. If something piqued his interest......racing jet skis, photography, salt water fishing, astronomy.....Mike dug in, did the research and work, pursuing it until he was satisfied and his questions were answered.

I'll miss his devotion to family, keen wit, humble manner, genuine concern for everyone, movie one liners and music trivia. The time we spent together and the miles we traveled to IBS and NBRSA tournaments will never be forgotten. His friendship and support during an extremely dark time in my life made more difference than I can ever put into words.

I'll close this with a bit of insight into Mike's sense of humor. We both drifted away from Benchrest for a few years...Mike to assist in the care of his ailing Mother and me to pursue my interest in drag racing. We were both planning to shoot a few registered matches this season as the local range we belong to, Dakota Benchrest, is hosting two NBRSA tournaments this season. Just a couple days before he unexpectedly became ill, we got together at a local coffee shop to catch up. I was waiting at a table when Mike walked in the door. He looked at me and with a one-liner straight out of the 'Blues Brothers' movie, threw his arms out and said:

"We're putting the band back together!" :D

Somewhere up there, Mike is pounding 'X's with his 30BR on a perfect day or pranging cans in a gravel pit with one of his 10-22's.

Thank you, Mike...the World is a better place for you having been here.

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And he was a radiologist

That was a very nice eulogy Al. Now I have some ammo to show the many bloodthirsty mobs clamoring for your pelt.
Dr. Tim, with you both being Radiologists and having a similar sense of humor, there's no doubt you two would have hit it off. -Al

PS Pelt prices are down and with component prices being so high...maybe I'm safe? :eek: Mike loved 'The Far Side' and we'd laugh like a couple of hyennas in his reading room over them. He'll appreciate the humor. ;)

Thank you for posting this Al. Thoughts and prayers going out to his family and friends.
