Doug Knoop Ohio Shooter & Smith



Some one was asking about Doug Knoop an Ohio Shooter & Smith.
I see he is still listed in the Outdoor Prone Dewar Any record.
Civilian D A KNOOP
.400 40X +90X 07/20/1975

Glad to see this post. Any other address available? I wasn't the original person to ask however but glad it came up.
I used to shoot against him in the 70's as did many a smallbore prone shooter. I credit learning a lot to him though he may not have been aware of it. He installed a barrel on one of my guns and have nothing but admiration for his work.
His shooting abiliting speaks for itself.

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Doug address.
He pass on at an early age.His work just keeps poping up from time to time.
He was a great rifle shooter. :)
Larry; I had a chance a week ago to shoot a friends Mod 37 and seen the barrel stamp,D. Knoop.I remembered the name from years back when I lived in the Sidney area(30 years ago)I really thought he was from Sidney area. I guess you could say Kettering is in the Sidney area ;if you live in Big Rapids Mi.This friend wanted to know if I could find any history on his 37 and I knew if anyone would know ,you would be the person to contact. Thanks again for your time.


Sorry to hear that. Doug was a very pleasant, interesting individual.
I believe in "76" he won the civilian national championship as well.
Just an interesting note, the rifle he won the civilian title with was an Anschutz action he rebarreled, (not threading the action) and no pins, for those thinking it necessary.
Still have a couple of his and Vic Wrights (K-W) glass stocks.
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D.Knoop Ohio Smith /Shooter

He has his name on several records and Dewar Teams. He might have made the team to Bissley England.
D. Knoop

When Doug left the Western Ohio Rifle League area, in about 1976-77 he moved to Louisville, Ky.
after moving there I don't think he ever did anymore gunsmith work and he did not compete in smallbore after that. I have bought and sold several of the rifles that he rebarreled and all of them have been great shooters


I had work done by him and shot with him and that was thru 79. I believe he was both shooting and doing work after the Louisville move, at least for a while. I would have to get some old match results to show his absence as far as his shooting was concerned.

I was incorrect on the date in post #5 above, Doug won the National Civilian title in 1978 and the NRA listed Louisville, Ky, as his address.

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About Doug Knoop

Joined just now to post here...Doug Knoop is my dad. He is well and still living in Louisville, and still loves to talk all things shooting. I do think he stopped shooting in the late '70s. Happy to see so many great comments on here about him...
Joined just now to post here...Doug Knoop is my dad. He is well and still living in Louisville, and still loves to talk all things shooting. I do think he stopped shooting in the late '70s. Happy to see so many great comments on here about him...

Sass1023 ,

I recently purchased a very nice win 52, hart barrel......and stamped on the barrel.......D Knoop
I have yet to fire it but it LOOKS like a shooter...

Mark DelCotto (Lex, KY)