Don't talk to the police!!!

It's a long watch...

the first guy was just excellent... a hard act to follow...
I gave up after 3 minutes, and 42 seconds of this fast talking former defense attorney NOT getting to the point of what this 27 minute long video is about.
If you don't follow this advice you deserve to go to jail.

This should be played to every 7th grader in the United States,
and again every year until they graduate from highschool.
Would someone like to give a summary? I have dial-up and ain't gonna' wait two days for a 27 minute video to download. Thanks.
I'll second Nat,

by 7th grade most of the crimminals have dropped out.

Summary; Never ever under any circumstances, make a statement to police. Weather quilty or not it can be construded and used against you.

I liked the comment about the IRS agent asking you to answer some questions, You'r reply "I'll answer your questions if I am given immunity."
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In the concealed carry class I took here a few years back, the advice given was to say, "I felt my life (or whoever) was in danger, and I'd like to speak to an attorney." Once you've asked for a lawyer the police cannot continue questioning you - legally, that is. Most of us non-criminal sorts usually don't have a criminal defense lawyer (or any other sort) on retainer though.
Go to this website.......... & look for the video, "busted" you will find this a worthwhile purchase to make.......;)