Don Stith stocks

Charles E

Silly question in a way, and I will, in due course, get up with Mr. Stith, but would still appreciate anyone's experience with the difference between the "Predator" and the "classic benchrest straight line" stocks. Is the Predator essentially the same thing, but the earlier child of the late Bill Myers?

Probably use butternut. Action will be a Flacon, barrel a benchmark, scope a Leupold 40X competition, and I need to make 10.5 pounds.


To get the info you want: You need to ask them to compare the 250 pattern to the Predator and also to Bill's final redesign of the Predator, which I am licensed to offer. he never named the last one but it is quite popular in some circles. The web site is embarassingly obsolete and does not show most of the patterns I do.