Don Creach wins championship in Australia


Stuart Elliott

Just thought I would let everybody know that Don Creach (USA) won the 38th annual Harry Madden memorial Varmint championships here in Brisbane (Queensland) this last weekend.
Don stayed on after the World Championships in Sydney last month and came north to the sunshine State of Queensland.
He won the 2 Gun aggregate and the also the coveted 200 yard HM trophy for HV class. The conditions were extremely testing.
This is one of the oldest continuing benchrest championships in Australia. The late Harry Madden is considered "the father" of benchrest shooting in this country and the trophy for the winner of the 200 yard HV aggregate is given in remembrance of this and also of him winning that aggregate at the first National Championships in Australia
Steve Blaine (local Brisbane lad) was 2nd in the 2 Gun. He managed a .17 agg at 100 yards in HV also which was a LONG way ahead of the rest of the field on a tough day.
Stefan Karlsson from Sweden was a very credible 3rd place in the 2 Gun.

Both had a go at the 500m benchrest "Fly" championships held on Monday. Stefan won the Heavy Gun class using a borrowed custom 300 Win Mag.

Looks like our International guests are enjoying their shooting. Great having them here.

Stuart Elliott (AUS)


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Congratulations Don, I've shot on the Belmont range several times and never found it easy.

Also congratulations to Stefan the 500m fly shoot is great fun and not easy to win........Ian
The past weekend with Don and the Elliots was really a nice one!

Don shot really consistent and won the Two Gun! Well done!

I'm allready looking forward to the WBC in StLouis in two years time! This event have taken me around the world and got me connected with so many good friends! Benchrest is a great sport but the people that shoots benchrest is what keeps me going on!
Stefan we look forward to meeting you and showing the "light side" at our RBA Rimfire Nationals in Melbourne in February mate.
Don sure has made a resurgence in benchrest the last few years. He is really enjoying shooting BR again and it shows. Great guy, great competitor and really knows a lot of history.

Congrats Don, hope to see you soon and talk.
