Does it "Shoot Good" - or - Is it "Tuned"

How do you know :confused:

Most of us 22 benchrest shooters are referring to a tuner that is added to the barrel when we tune a gun. The Tuner must be set to a place that gets the maximum accuracy out of the rifle to be tuned. I wouldn't use the term "tuned" without a tuner being involved.

I am not sure that all other shooters would agree with me.

Concho Bill
With experience, it becomes more obvious. Does it act predictably? That is, when you miss is the reason for the miss obviously your misjudgement of the conditions? If most of the time, the rifle gives me nice small round groups with no major vertical component and when you miss, the miss is where you would expect it to be due to the conditions, then it's acting in tune. If you get shots where you say, "why the heck did it go there?", (especially with known good ammo) then you may not be tuned. If you question your ability to determine whether your rifle is in tune or whether it's some mistake that you are making, let an experienced good shooter evaluate your rifle and give you their opinion.
With experience, it becomes more obvious. Does it act predictably? That is, when you miss is the reason for the miss obviously your misjudgement of the conditions? If most of the time, the rifle gives me nice small round groups with no major vertical component and when you miss, the miss is where you would expect it to be due to the conditions, then it's acting in tune. If you get shots where you say, "why the heck did it go there?", (especially with known good ammo) then you may not be tuned. If you question your ability to determine whether your rifle is in tune or whether it's some mistake that you are making, let an experienced good shooter evaluate your rifle and give you their opinion.

Thank you! - best explanation I've heard.
Just make sure in advance that the person will give you their opinion - not a sugar coated opinion. You really need to know! If the person doing the evaluation says it's a really good one, ask him/her to shoot it next target.