Does anyone here recognize this rifle?




I'm trying to locate a person. In 2001/2002 time frame I built this rifle for a gent on the East Coast (Massachusetts) named Marty Waters.

If anyone knows how to get in contact with Mr. Waters (or the present owner of the rifle in case its been sold) I would be eternally grateful if they could/would pass my contact information onto him/her. I'm building a part that's identical to one I did on this gun and I can't quite remember how I did it.


605.490.2561 cell

Thank you.

Chad, don't know anything about the rifle, but since I can barely remember my own name without ID, I've learned to either keep notes or relearn stuff over and over and over. :eek:
The guy's name is Luke Skywalker. He lives over in the Borialis System, fourth planet from the dwarf star.
Cute guys.

It's a bit unconventional I will admit. Shoots real well though and I NEVER want to make another one again.:D (I don't really mean that)
wants vs. needs

What with the current economic downturn and all, I got way too many needs, it ain't right to make a guy start having "wants" like that!

Now I have to rethink some of that blued steel and purty wood mentality that I still cling to.

Hey! Ain't that sorta like porn? :eek:
Are we allowed to have porn on here?!!!??:eek:
It ain't right!!:eek:

Oh, wait a minute, I'm ok now. Just realized that rifle is part of the vast conspiracy against southpaws. I'll be ok now. Sorta.:eek:

How does/did it shoot?

Wonderful rifle, keep up the good work and I wish you much success!

the stock a hps

hi chad
i know this is not what you looking for , but the stock looks like its hps system gemini hers linke to them hope this helps

buy luke
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Hey guys.

Well I've got it sorted out and it's forever now stored in my puter archives. I am making a couple Anschutz 5018 trigger adapters for a 300M free rifle shooter in Japan. He's using a Nesika R action and his buddy has a Panda.

I'm whittling out a dozen of these little buggers as we speak actually.

This rifle uses an Anschutz 2013 free rifle stock. The "rub" came when it was time to shoehorn the R action in it. There wasn't a great deal of aluminum left and the bolt handle was in the wrong location. Nothing carbon fiber and a TIG welder didn't fix. I whittled up casting "dies" of the barrel and the receiver and made a core to the stock with it. labor intensive since back then I was limited to a 1947 production date Bridgeport J head mill. I got pretty snappy at moving belts around!

Accuracy. It's a 6mmBR set up for 105's so making it shoot well went pretty easily. I don't recall the exact group size but at 300 yards with optics and off bags I was pounding the X ring on a 50m pistol bullseye target without much difficulty. This was at Raton, NM on the Tubb Range. We used a Kreiger barrel and the contour matches the Grunig/Elmiger FT 300 CISM rifle. The front sight band is off a G/E FT300 actually. The rear sight is an Anschutz 7000 series.

I never got a complaint from the customer so he either loved it or hated it so much that he never wanted to speak to me again. The paint was done by a buddy with a booth. I think he huffs reducer right before I turn him loose cause all his paint jobs come out as an off the wall candy/pearl/clear concoction. I think I get the leftovers from what ever cars/bikes he's working on that week.

Thanks for the interest.


Yes - that's it - I'm sure! I left it on the cleaning table and forgot to pack it, then drove home. Thanks for finding it!!!! Just ship it to me insured an I'll pay the tab.;) ........Now you can sleep at night!
Its my gun

Hi Chad,

This is my gun. I still own it and it is the ultimate shooter. I am able to utilize it as both a 200 yd offhand rifle and a 600 yd prone gun. I just change the load and I am able to push a 105 gr bullet from 2400 fps to almost 3000 fps.

It is my favorite gun to shoot. What was amazing is that Chad was able to mate an anshutz smallbore trigger to a benchrest style action. I have the best of both worlds.

My only regreat is I don't have more time to shoot it.