Dirty U-Wear Tuner


Mike S

Did you guys ever stop to think that if Bill Calfee came on here saying that hanging 3 day old underwear on the end of your barrel would make your rifle a "Killer" how many of you dumb sh*ts would do it .... I mean really ... have you ever stopped to think that maybe you guys have a problem ... Damn

I really shouldn't pick on Bill .... you guys follow anyone .... all it takes is a promise to raise your scores and you will throw money and time at it endlessly .... did you ever stop to think that maybe you just shoot like sh*t ...
they need to be breifs and 2 sizes to small , dont forget that on the 3rd day you have to wear them backwards .
I really shouldn't pick on Bill ....
he is capable of looking after himself

you guys follow anyone ....
True, its easier to follow someone who is going forward than someone who is having a pity party

all it takes is a promise to raise your scores and you will throw money and time at it endlessly
It addictive so it’s not our fault.

did you ever stop to think that maybe you just shoot like sh*t ...
yes but it hasn’t stopped me from winning… have you ever won anything, even just a one person match, or do you struggle to win those too??
I really shouldn't pick on Bill .... you guys follow anyone .... all it takes is a promise to raise your scores and you will throw money and time at it endlessly .... did you ever stop to think that maybe you just shoot like sh*t ...

I'm not much of a follower in general. But Calfee actually offers ideas that often seem to work.

What have you got?
Mike S
Wow! that's a bit harsh ...isn't it? But now that you mention it, i have begun to recently suspect that my poor showings could possibly be the result of me shooting like sh*t........... [up till now i always just assumed it was bad ammo, bad rifle, bad luck, bad wind flags ect.] Have to admit also that you are somewhat correct in that some folks do seem to blindly believe anything that "ole carney" says. BTW...........this next season if i have to put up with a bunch of dirty underware hanging off barrels around here............i'm blaming you!:eek:
I'm not much of a follower in general. But Calfee actually offers ideas that often seem to work.

What have you got?

I agree with this.

Whether or not they work, they're still ideas. Gunsmiths and shooters have stretched rifle accuracy to the point where we'll need to think outside the box to squeeze those groups even tighter.

Think about it... People must have thought the first person to rifle a barrel was an idiot and their followers idiots, but look at where we are now.

People must have thought the first person to make a synthetic stock was an idiot and their followers idiots, but look at where we are now.

People must have thought pillar/glassbedding was an idiot's idea, but look at where we are now.

Now we've got muzzle tuners, reverse-tapered barrels, bedding blocks, 2-oz. triggers, choked bores, increasing rifling rates, and etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on... my point is that to reach the highest level of precision, we'll need to try new things. Some will work, some won't. Experimentation is half the fun, the other half is winning.

Consider Calfee an idiot or not and the people that don't scoff at his writings idiots or not, but some folks may want to have a more open mind about these things. The only way they can harm you is by beating you in matches.

Personally, I will take advice from a man who has smithed a decent list of record-setting rifles. He kind of knows rimfire accuracy.
Bill Calfee is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to rimfire shooting, and instead of keeping it to himself, or a few close friends, he puts it up on a public board so that everyone can benefit from it..
I have know Bill for about 20 years and I will admit that sometimes he goes out in left field a little, but the man knows what he is talking about, and I don't speak for everyone, but when Bill speaks, I listen... because I might just pick up on something that will make me shoot a little better. And with me, every little bit helps..

Mike S

We're a bit testy are we?............ Didn't get invited to a New Years Eve Party and staying Home Alone kind of got ya down??? If I had a burr under my shorts like that I'd take them off and hang them on the end of my barrel whether Bill Calfee said it would make my gun shoot better or not! Cheers! :D:D
Day Two

Well, this is "day 2" for some of us, "day 3 " for a few and a few will be testing today. Those shooting today won't admit that they have had their underwear for three days but let us know how it works, ok. Oh well, in 2 more days I can try this.
Hey...just wondering, will the brown streak keep the glare down??? Also, I wanted to make sure I had it placed right so I called my piano tuner to ring my barrel but now he won't get close to it...I think the node moved to close to his nose.

You know

Ah yes .... another Brain Dead Calfee Follower ....

I no SWEET SHI+ when it comes to accuracy. I frequent this board because it is mind boggling how much info there is to be gained over here.

It just CEASES to amaze me when GROWN men have to act like a bunch of Frik++ Retards and make posts like this one.

It may be all in fun but B4 you know it there is a urinating contest going on.

I have never met anyone on this board except a few of my fellow Canadian shooters so I can not judge any of your characters until I actually meet you.

How many have actually met Bill Calfee in person?

All I here is spit it out Bill. Your talking in riddles Bill.

How many artists out there that you guys know? I mean painters, glass blowers, you know the type that make GREAT pieces of work and have a opening at a Art Gallery?

If you talk to many or watch documentaries about them many may seen a bit different in the way they perceive the world and there art.

No different than Bill. I have never met him but I believe he is a true ARTIST in what he does.

We can ask over and over for him to show us the secrets or tell us in plain black and white English but it may never happen. An artist is just that an ARTIST in there field of choosing.

We need to grow up a bit.

My rant for today.

Calvin Yanchycki
From Friendly, but COLD
Brandon, Manitoba
You might just be on to something....

You could take the elastic off those dirty u-wear (assuming there's any elastic left) and wrap it around the barrel several times until it's real tight.

We'll call it the dirty drawers mid-barrel tuner.
Boards like these are very educational. I've personally benefitted from Calfee's writings, especially his treatise on firing pin shape. Bill is an innovator who shares some of his accuracy secrets with everyone. That's a rare and precious thing and something that often draws criticism, unfortunately.

I was the butt of criticism for some of my 10-22 tuning methods on a now-defunct website. The people who were making money by not letting the crowd in on their tuning methods called some of my techniques dangerous, including Locktiting barrels into receivers instead of threading them. Time has proven me right about that practice on 10-22s and almost no one threads 10-22 barrels and factory receivers anymore. (It actually weakens the aluminum receivers.)

The point I'm trying to make is that people who share their knowledge are great assets to the shooting community. Yes, sometimes we all can go a bit beyond what may be prudent to comment on, but no one should let a few petty nay-sayers and crabby folks ruin what is usually a fine internet tradition that has allowed us to share knowledge and advance the shooting sports, including making high quality components available to the masses.

Just look at the tremendous amount of AR-15, 1911 Auto, and 10-22 after-market parts available to all of us these days. The avalibility can be traced to demand fostered by the many shooting-interest websites.

Just the advances in rimfire benchrest equipment over the past 10 years has been wonderful. Celebrate what is good and please don't throw stones at those who are trying to make a positive difference, regardless of your personal opinions...that hurts all of us.

Mr. Pitcher Well put. I read your tips for 10/22 just the other day on another forum. Some of them I had already done on my own. Several others got done on New Years Eve, cant wait to check the improvement. Thank you. I read everybodys posts and decide for myself what I think is worth keeping and disregard the rest. I built my own tuner after reading a lot here and it works. In fact I have to post some pics and results because I think I might have a way to tune vertical and horizontal indepedently. Keep it coming Mr. Calfee and everyone else too.
It is so seldom that I post anything on this forum, perferring to stay in the background, reading and learning from a host of others that have more expirience. However, this post by Mike S. is one that I cannot pass up.

Frankly, I think Santa took a poop down his chimney.

maybe it was the stock

with it's high sides the edge has some recoil advantages,

maybe someone should try the new Canadian JTR BR stock from robertson,
same principle only better, (no reason just a riddle like the boss)


there I said it and everyone was thinking it for 2 YEARS AT LEAST
