Directions to Bullseye



I know Bllseye is off 40 at Morganton NC but which exit and where do you go from 40w? If you are going and have a cell please give me the number in case I get lost!

I've never been there, but Greg mentioned the range was located across the street from Larry's shop
Do a search in google maps for:

Bull's Eye Sporting Goods Inc
9176 N Highway 10, Vale, NC

Looks like you cut through the diner parking lot across the street from the shop
Sam , Take I-40 to exit 105 , go southon Hwy 18 about 20 miles ,turn left on Hwy 10 , go 1/2 mile Norman's cafe is on right , turn into parking lot and follow gravel drive up the hill.
Hope you can make it down ,match starts at 9:00am ,after 1 st match we will take a short lunch then start other match.
Thanks to Greg and Larry and others who helped for a well run match. Devin and I had a good time, and plan on coming back again. Congrats to all of the winners for some good shooting in a bit less than ideal conditions. I still haven't figured out how the wind can blow 3-4 directions over a 50 yard span!!!:) makes it interesting for sure.
Sorry it took me a few days to post ,been super busy working. I want to thank everyone for coming to have some fun and even shoot alittle while we were there.Thanks to Bill Pippin and Larry Willis for sitting out the first match and scoring targets so we did not have 3 relays , thanks to Wallace for computer help. Hope everyone had a good time and comes back next time.