different topic-eyes



Due to age and a complex medical condition Im faced w/ deteriorating vision- cataracts--I hope. question is--Have any af you had cataract surgery and was your vision improved enough to resume BR shooting after the surgery? Currently i cant see the target clearly enough to shoot precisely. Also the double set of cross hairs makes sighting a challenge. Something like a white tail or a soda can is large enough to see, but anything smaller is kind of a blur. Is there light at the end of this particular tunnel?

Get to an eye doctor now.

I had cataract surgery on my shooting eye six years ago and in two days felt 10 years younger. I knew that I had trouble reading and could only shoot with the aid of high magnification scopes. What I didn't realize was how much quality of life had diminished. I had gradually lost depth perception without realizing it. That affected everything. After surgery I (almost!) stopped stumbling around and driving became fun again instead of an anxious chore. If you wait too long to get the problem fixed the lack of visual stimulation to your brain can cause irreversible neurological deterioration and you will have lost vision even if your eye is now perfect.

I hope that you learn that your vision problem is a cataract because if the problem is limited to that a very good and simple solution is readily available. We are blessed to live at a time when medical technology can restore so much that was lost.

Best wishes to you for a full recovery.

PM me if you want to chat.

Get to an opthamologist NOW!!

The best example I can think of is Tony Boyer. He had cataract surgery a couple years ago and has been winning and setting new world records since.

Get it done!

When you have cataracts, having the surgery is one of the most amazing experiences that can happen to you...

I lost most of the vision in my left eye to a grey fog in the late 1990's however did little about it as my right eye was still Ok. Around 2002, my right eye started to cloud and by 2004, I was nearly totally blinded by cataracts. I've had 20-20 vision all my life until then and to have to quit driving, reading was only possible with very strong magnifying glasses and big text only at that. And naturally, I'd had to give up shooting...

In 2004, I had catarct surgery in both my eyes and its absolutely amazing, an hour after the surgery on my left eye, I was out of the hospital, a friend was taking me home following the surgery, and even with a plastic mesh patch over my eye, I was able to see every thing sharp as a tack through a hole in the mesh... 24 hours later the patch was removed and vision in my left eye was completely normal and back to 20-20...

One month later, my right eye was done with the same results, I now have 20-20 vision in both eyes, drive, read, and most importantly, I am able to shoot well enough to score high in matches. Actually, I think my shooting is better than it ever was and I managed to win the December match at the club where I shoot...

So, trust me when I say to you, get the surgery, it is a simple, virtually pain free procedure, takes less than an hour per eye, and the results are absolutely amazing.

Happy Shooting,
Mitch & Shadow...
Old eyes

Ihad cataract surgery on my left eye about 5 yrs back,on the morning of the surgery if I closed my right eye and looked at the TV all that I could see was a colored blur,by 6 pm that day I could see the TV better with the that had the surgery than I could with my right eye.
One year later I had surgery on my right eye.
Now I have nearly 20/20 in both eyes,dont wait and run to get the surgery./

Depending on being near sighted or farsighted may deterime the type of lens put in. Discuss with Doctor as to what you which to achieve. Couple years ago I had a cornea transplanted followed by lens replacement for cataract. I which I had know to stay with nearsighted vision as my eyes have always been nearsighted. Reason is because the good eye is nearsighted the lens implanted made the other eye farsighted (with loss of vision because of cornea) created an imbalance and created more problems. Getting the good eye done with farsighted lens - quite an adjustment as always needed glasses to see distances but could read and do close up work without glasses. Because of astigmation distance vision is not perfect without glasses but MUST have glasses on to see up close. There are lens available to correct all the above. They are called smart lens - but cost more. Discuss in great detail with your Doctor. But bottom line it is worth getting done.

I want to thank you all for your feed back on this issue, and i fully plan to have the surgery as soon as it seems to be feaseable or safe or ?????. The current delema revolves around the treatment for a queer bit of blood cell cancer which has me on some odd medication. A high pulse dose of steroids seems to be accelerating the cataract formation. Im also on a waiting list for a trial stemcell transplant, with an experimental treatment which seems to benefit those with attendant bone disease(me). Im trying not to bugger one condition with the other. My ophthamologist has said to just let him know when. But Ive been fretting about the deterioration in shooting ability, hunting etc. The decline in depth perception has made me a more leisurely driver for sure.!!! I do hate not being able to read gas station prices from the road though. I guess itll all work out before next winters season. Thank you again. :)
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