One thing that I lke to see in a bushing FL die is the option of using an expander ball, since the evil is not in the expander but the relationship between the bushing size and the expander that can create runout. In situations where shooters want the advantages of a bushing die, but don't want to neck turn, selecting a bushing such that only one or two thousandths of "work" is done by the expander results in more uniform neck IDs that are rounder, without increasing runout. The Redding type S dies have this option, as well as some others. We ordered a RCBS bushing FL die for a friend's 7MM WSM and it does a very good job of sizing the body just enough, and I believe that it too has the expander option, although my friend does take a cleanup cut on the necks of his Winchester brass. Where I have seen problems with off the shelf dies, is with how they match a particular chamber. Two friends ignored my advice on this and ended up buying twice for their tight necked 6 BRs. The second time they sent fired cases to Harrell's and it solved their problem (no sizing at the base with proper bump). Their dies work very well. BTW, on a related matter, RCBS is now making bushings, stamped in a reduced diameter section in the middle of their sides...I think. It has been a while since I looked at one.