Diablo Rod & Gun Club Concord CA - First Sanctioned IR5050 Match Results


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Diablo Rod & Gun Club Concord CA - First Sanctioned IR50/50 Match Results

Our first Sanctioned IR50/50 Match was help today at Diablo Rod & Gun Club in Concord CA

12 shooters competed on a warm day with very light wind & light smoke. The regular IR50/50 match was followed by a one card fun gun match (factory repeater) with 5 shooters competing. Congrats to Joel who won the main benchrest match with a 749 score and 46 Xs, an almost perfect score!!! Dan won the fun gun match. Way to go Dan!

We are planning to run these matches every Fourth Saturday of the month except for holidays and occasional 100 yard matches. We have 20 benches for 50 yard, so quite a few open spots. Pls swing by and come shoot IR50/50 in Concord on Fourth Saturday of the month. PM me if you are interested and I can add you on the email list.

Thank you to all those who came to shoot and help out.

Happy Shooting :)




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