Dewey Stainless Steel rod question


Hi, my eyes aren't that great any more and I thought I was ordering a coated rod but it was Stainless Steel. is this going to be safe to use on my savage .223 or did I just waste $30.00? Thank You! :(
Polished steel rods are far superior to coated rods. Far less chance of hurting a bore than a rod that carries abrasives into the bore. Just remember to wipe the rod off before you put the rod in the bore (each time) This applies to any rod.

I find this entire subject funny. This is something shooters have had to relearn. We knew this four decades ago, and only relearned this in the past 5 to 10 years.
Were you taking a poll? I notice you have posted this several times.
sort of I guess, just want to be sure not to screw up a brand new gun that took me a good while to save up for. but, everyone seems to agree the stainless steel will be fine. I'm not sure if it is polished steel but, does feel very smooth . I appreciate your response on both forums. :)
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Be sure to use it with a good rod guide to keep it from slamming sideways into the throat area and peaning it.

I use a coated rod that I wipe off every time when I withdraw it.
