

New member
I just got my 1lb tub in and I was reading the unstructions on how to wiegh it out and the volume proportions needed. Im wondering though how you guys do it? For example, do you guys use tsp or tbsp for the volume or wiegh it out on scales? I am also wondering how much to use on one 22 rimfire rifle?

Thanks in advance for the help.
It's not rocket fuel. I scoop out a 'blob' of black and then another blob of black the same size as blob 1, then another blob of black about 1/2 the size of blob 1. Then open up the small tub and scoop out a blob of white app the same size as blob 1. Voila, 2.5 to 1. Mix well to consistent grey color.

..what CRB said. Actually I used some disposable plastic spoons, 2.5 to 1. Use Kiwi Neutral Shoe Polish as a release agent. When you get overflow on the stock just wipe it off first ,old cloth rags work just fine/paper towels and clean up with the shoe polish!