Devcon shelf life ??


New member
Is there a shelf life on Devcon aluminum bedding compound ?
I have some Devcon that I've had for several years and I was wondering if it went bad.

It should be OK. Why not mix up a small quantity & check out if it sets properly.
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If it is a little stiff try putting it in a microwave oven for a few seconds on high.
It should come back if the resin is still present.
I don't know what the shelf life is, but it has one. A good customer brought some by and said I could have it, he'd never use it. was a kit, it looked fine and the package looked just like what I had on the shelf. I later found it was way too hard to stir though. I didn't try a microwave though. That MAY have brought it around, but I would still have been scared to use it on any customer's gun for certain. I'll try anything on my own stuff.--Mike Ezell
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On the back, just above the UPC code

Is the " Use By Date " Mine expires 01/23/2011 Lot no#601232

Does this stuff go bad. YES IT DOES. I work at Brown Machine. We make Tooling for various things. One part is called a Plug Assists. This part pushes the plastic into the die, to form a cup... Ok, Big deal. The Foam we use, gets glued to Aluminum, with Devcon Plastic Putty. I had close to 90 parts lose. I found this out as I was turning the contour, on a couple. Imagine my surprise.