Derlin on a one peice rest How is it on stock finish


Jason Shore

Just about to order a one peice rest with derlin contact points.How have you guys found the derlin with wear on the stock finish ?
any imput appreciated
Thanks Jason
Hey Jason,

I think it depends on the type of stock, where the points of contact are, the surface area of the contact point, and the pressure being applied.

Here's what I mean ... if you have a Laminate Stock (softer than Fiberglass) and the point on contact is smaller (not a flat button but a roundrd ball) you could make marks in the stock.

I recently found a couple of tiny little dents in the laminate stock of one of my rifles. I flattened out the rounded delrin balls so that there was a flat surface that ran parallel to the slanted sides of my stock, and stuck on 3/8" felt furniture pads to resolve the problem. I carry extra pads with me in case one falls off (although they do stick real well) and the problem is resolved. And it free recoils just fine. On the bottom of the stock the buttons were wide and flat ... they were fine and did not require any "fixing"

My rifle is mounted in a McMillan LV BR stock. It is painted with an automotive type paint and clear coated. My rest is a 'BR50' style top with delrin balls. The left ball is spring loaded
and it does maintain considerable pressure against the stock;controlling lateral movement.
The problem I had with mine was as delivered, the spring pressure was too much and in no time the left and right balls had gouged trenches into both edges of the stock. The weight of the rifle alone caused the same problem on the stock bottom. Result; paint job ruined.
The top maker did reccomednd removing a coil or two from the spring to lessen side pressure. Which I did. Too little too late ! I also added stock tape as well, and it helped. But the damage had been done. Paint soft? Lack of awareness on the owner's part? "Dunno.
Just be aware......
Too many variables

Not a good answer for the question.

One answer would be to ignore the ill effects on the paint job in favor of a better score.
I have never

used derlin but have use delrin and have not had any problems with delrin.