

I thought you would be there, "to stir the pot".
Was gonna but

I was going to be there but we had a un-expected health issue come up Friday morning with the Mrs..
Spent most of the day at SW Medical center finding out she has not 1 but 2 kidney stones.So it was a pretty restless weekend. She goes to see a specialist on Wednesday in hopes that she does not have a problem before then since one of them is 7 fricking mm....

Im sure it was HOT and breezy up there and everybody enjoyed Dr.Tims Blender
Team Stiller runs the table!

Curtis Helton despite being struck on the line with my crystal power anti-gun mojo hex shook it off like a camel swats a fly with its tail and took the score shoot with a 250 16X. Jerry Stiller also shrugged off all paranormal spells from me and took the group shoot with an agg of .2504. This is probably because Jerry is so paranormal that my spell seemed normal to him and hence easily deflected. Both were last seen loading their gear, trophies and who knows what else into that creepy looking black plywood trailer shaped like a large coffin on wheels. All they need is Grateful Dead and a bunch of skulls painted on the side of it to complete the aura that thing exudes. When they roll down the road cars line up behind them and turn their head lights on. Needless to say both shot well despite their bizarre trailer taste. Jon ran his usual excellent match. Don scored the targets and the 15 year old 4-H boys plus two shooter's kin ran the targets, did a darn good job and learned something about life from their conversations with the older male shooters. (See near-suffocation auto-eroticism and David Carradine). The weather was in the low to mid 90's with light to moderate SSE or windshield washer winds from the South directly in our faces. Fashion editor of the NBRSA GC region Jerry Stiller reported that people were "too formally" dressed for the match with a low tattoo index except for Mr. G. who made the noble gesture of having his right lateral upper arm covered in 3/4" high grinning white skulls the day before. All in all, 26 shooters turned out, had a great time, spread around a lot of BS, drank some adult beverages after the shoot, sobered up and left. As the last of the range disappeared from the rear view mirror we, as Denton club shooters, can say with a high degree of statistical significance: " It don't get much better then this". Tim
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Dr Tim,

I really like your suggestions on the paint for the trailer. I may look into it, too bad kav isnt around to help. I have always been tempted to paint on the back "jus takin ole gus back to texas" just for grins. It was a good day overall. Someone out there mentioned snow appearing to the north. I almost believed it as with Curtis and I each winning for the day, hell has surely frozen over. Now for a new tat to memorialize the day. Maybe a grim reaper... Cant let Mr G out do me.
Jerry Stiller also shrugged off all paranormal spells from me and took the group shoot

Dr. Tim, some of that paranormal Vodoo got me in the Group.... Couldn't figgure out the 22 load till the 5th match...............:eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Good shoot'n Jerry and Curtis!

Ralph...... Don't that dropped shot HURT! Dawgoneit!

Had a great time wit yous guys,
had a great time

i apreciate the invite from ralph and the welcome by the whole crowd and for allowing me to shoot my 1000yd dasher.the experience was humbling to say the least.saw a lot of amazing shooting and had some great conversations too.very smooth match and great lunch too. i think long range shooters can learn a lot by seeing what it takes to really agg like you guys do ,man that is tough to do . it is also nice to shoot all day,that was a lot of shooting . and finally seeing the legendary weedeater powered mararita machine,now that is funny!and congrats to jerry and curtis ,that was some fine shooting. thanks again gents it was very enjoyable cap of the weekend. tim sellars
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Congrats to Jerry and Curtis.....
Curtis has really been throwing himself in the mix of things lately and been doing well... It seems as though his gun is shooting pretty good.
Sure missed being there and partaking in the super weedeater machine....
I hear if you would have taken a few leaves off the surrounding trees up there and put them in the machine you could have also had home made Mojhito"s Ha Ha Ha

Hey Jon did you ever put together some type of list to keep up with the point system for shooter of the year program... I understand you have to shoot to get points, I thought it would be cool for everybody to see where they are.
I'm working on a list and plan to have it up soon. Sory you missed the shoot. See you next time.. Jon
To Jon and all the rest of the gang.
We Okies had a great time. Truly love to come to Denton, especially since I can carry all my wind flags in one hand. Would love to have you guys come up to Luther next year and shoot in the mixmaster. And don't worry about rounding up 13' tall flag poles. Mike Ratigan puts out enough for everyone.....Donald
Thanks for the invite Donald. That’s sounds like a lot of fun. I enjoyed talking with you and as always we really like having you guys come down..