Denton Match


James Statham

Just a reminder that if your going to be at the match this coming Sunday to sign in at the club house before proceeding to the range. If you get there early the club house may not be open. I know this is a pain. But these are the rules the club has set.

Thank you,

James Statham

So is this the club shot or a Regional match? I would like to come and play but my 30BR is still under construction. Would a 6mm Rem make the person at the bench next to be too mad?

Tiny (an Okie)
Denton info

So is this the club shot or a Regional match? I would like to come and play but my 30BR is still under construction. Would a 6mm Rem make the person at the bench next to be too mad?

Tiny (an Okie)

Hey Tiny,
This is a club match 100 yds.... Run what ya brung.... Your 6 Rem is welcome.
Hope ya get a chance to shoot it! Big fun!!!

Remember, all competitors are required to use eye and of course hearing protection.....

I gotta work this weekend and won't be back in time for Sundays match.
I'm planning on the June 1st match (200yds). Next weekend I'll be at Raton.

Hey Lew,

They typically start around 10:00AM

Denton club matches.....

2008 NTSA Club Matches

Date Yardage
March 9 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
April 27 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
May 18 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
June 1 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
July 13 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
August 3 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
Sept 7 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon

Cale, Good to hear from you. Yea the start at 10am but I guess I need to be there early. I will try to make the 6/1 match but will also try the 6/21-22 match.
Take Care, Lew
We draw for benches at 9:00 and shoot at 10:00.
First match is score and after lunch we shoot group.

Tiny, Please bring that 6 Rem. You will have a great time.
