Denton match June 7th


J Conley

Just wanted to remind everyone that Denton will be holding a 100yd match this Sunday the 7th. As always we will draw for benches at 9:00 and shoot at 10:00. $25.00 entry fee gets you a day of fun. Score in the morning and group after the $8.00 lunch provided by the 4-H club. Hope to see everyone there.. Jon
Will there be a short warm up time before shooting starts? I need some final scope adjustment and may not have time to get to a range before coming down.

Our first match is always a 10 min. match to allow people sight in time. If your first bullet goes on your record target it will not count. If you don’t think you’ll hit the target. We can hang a target on each side of your record. If you don’t think that will work we can figure out something that your cool with. Point is we just want you to come shoot.
Nope....Missed again!


Will see if we can con Dr. Tim into running down to 50yd and hold a target up for ya to "get on".....:D
Oh wait..............................!
Safty FIRST..!

Dr Tim please hold the target away from your vitals....!!!!:D:D:D:p

If not, maby Ralph can be conned into such a service....:D

Its still a big IF for me too. Sure would like to though.
Can't make this one, but hope to make another one later this summer/fall.

Will have to keep an eye here for the next shoot.
Can't make this one, but hope to make another one later this summer/fall.

Will have to keep an eye here for the next shoot.

NTSA 2009 Match Schedule

Denton, Texas

2009 Registered Matches

Date Event
April 4 - 5 Texas Showdown 4 Gun 200, 5 shot UNL
August 15 - 16 Hotter'n Hell Gulf Coast Region LV - SP, 100 - 200
October 10 - 11 IBS Texas State Champ, Sat 100-200 yard score, Sun 100-200 yard group

$50/day entry fee. Saturday match start 9 am, Sunday 8 am.

2009 NTSA Club Matches

March 8 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
May 10 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
June 7 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
July 13 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
Aug 9 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon
Sept 13 200 score morning, 200 group in afternoon
Nov 8 100 score morning, 100 group in afternoon

Club match format is 100 yard one weekend, 200 yard next.

Most any bolt action gun is allowed. $25 entry fee. Bench drawing at 9am, shoot at 10 am.

There will be a prize for the yearly points champion.
That’s the best news I’ve had all day. See you soon..

Do we have to stop and sign-in at the front gate or just come on to the back to the range? If so, how much is the range fee?

The ghost of Denton Hollow

For those of you not familiar with the Denton Range there is a history that goes back long ago to a peaceful prehistoric agrarian civilization that was camped on a placid inland lake. A raid by another tribe caught them unawares and killed them all. The warrior tribe in turn got soft and were conquered by another. This cycle repeated itself a total of 17 times until today's modern benchrest shooter who is currently residing in these environs. I don't know about you but if, during this club match, some unwashed dude, screaming at the top of his lungs, wearing a large animal fur garment rushes the line branishing anything from a ray gun to a large stick I am going to let him have it. Tim
p.s.Don't worry. I will keep an eye out for Jay Lynn because he perfectly matches this description..
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Looks like I am gonna make it. Ifen the creeks don't rise. hehe.
prehistoric agrarian civilization !

Don't worry I will keep an eye out for Jay Lynn because he perfectly matches this description..

Wipe'n the tears......HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!:D:p

Gonna be 95+ deg, I'll leave my furs back at the cave..!

See ya'll,
