Defiance vs BAT action



In the not to distant future I am planing on a custom gun.
Does anyone have experience with either of these actions
BAT is more $ are they far better?
Thanks for any input
Glen Harrison is the owner/operator of Defiance Machine. I know Glen personally - he's a great guy and is the originator of Nesika actions, which I really liked and used a lot of back when Glen was running Nesika.

I use a lot of BAT's and other actions now, including some of the Defiance actions since Glen started that company, and they are first rate. I frequently recommend Defiance actions to my customers since I really like Glen and have a lot of confidence in Glen's work.

So both BAT and Defiance make terrific actions and you won't go wrong with either choice.

Gordy Gritters
I worked for Glen when he still owned Nesika. I've got my own shop now and I've used a few of his actions. They work very well.

I've also built a handful of rifles on the BAT receivers. They are also nice.

What it boils down to is personal preferences. What you have is two Corvettes. One in Yellow and one in Black.

As Mr. Gritters stated, you cant go wrong with either.

Chad Dixon
LongRifles, Inc.