Defiance actions



I have a couple rifles showing up in a few days to be rebarreled. I looked on the defiance web sight and could not find any info on tenon specs. These are .473 bolt face actions. I can just wait until they show up and measure, but was wanting a little "heads up".

Richard Brensing
Richard, it probably depends upon the model of action. I have a Stryker Ridge made by Defiance that is a Remington clone. It has Remington threads. I've done some Defiance actions that had coned bolts, but don't remember what they were, but would figure that they were 1 1/16-18 threads. I'll look tomorrow and see if I had the thread specs recorded on a Defiance benchrest action. One thing they do have that I like is more extraction camming than the action Glenn made when he was in Poulsbo and later Sturgis.

I looked at the action specs that I had recorded from the custom actions that I had barreled and the few Defiance actions that I had barreled were 1 1/16"-16 threads. The only thing I would change on them is to have two threads of relief cut at the front of the action instead of the one they have. When you are cutting threads on a manual machine, two threads of relief lets you not have to cut as close to the shoulder when pulling out of the barrel thread. The Surgeon actions have the same thing, one thread of relief cut. I've seen that cause problems as the barrel seems to tighten correctly, but don't. Going in and cutting a relief cut on the barrel made a barrel that wouldn't shoot go to shooting. On actions with the one thread of relief cut, I'll make a relief cut on the barrel to prevent the thread from interfering with the barrel shouldering up and the threads centering.
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They seem to have lots of options. I have an exact remington clone and a long tenon lapua mag action. I have seen different options on both size actions but the std actions are the same as the next with the same options
Thanks, and by the way,

How are you enjoying "retirement" Mike? Looking forward to another shooting season.
Are you going to shoot the whole mid-con this year?

Richard Brensing
Richard, I live in the Gulf Coast region. The Okie Shooters matches and some at Raton will be the extent of the Mid Continent shooting for me and that depends upon whether there's a GC conflict or not as to which I'll attend. The phone still rings in the shop pretty regularly and I send them on to Jon Beanland.
Jon Beanland is one heck of a rifle smith. A dam fine person to boot. It makes me happy to hear that Jon is now doing work for your customers. That's just fantastic. Jon really helped me out when I first started shooting.
Anyway, we just ordered a Defiance deviant Hunter model in long action 338 Lapua Mag, Looks like one heck of an action. I cant wait until it gets here. Lee
My 338lm action is a rebel with about everything changed you can change. I love defiance actions and use them quite regular and all are top notch