Deer and Target rifle



I would like to build a rifle for dual-purpose use. I want shoot in informal matches first and foremost, but I want a caliber that I can shoot 140-grain bullets to deer hunt with. I have been looking at 6.5x47 Lapua, 6.5-284, and 7-08. Each of these can launch a 140-grain bullet at sufficient muzzle velocity to kill a deer at up to 400 yards. I have both a long and short action for a donor action to build on so that isn’t an issue. After all I have read on Berger bullets being suitable for hunting and I know they plenty accurate for target shooting that is route I have in mind.

Ideas, suggestions, and past experience greatly appreciated.

How about a 308 or a 243 or a 243 AI?

The 243 will launch a 55 grain bullet close to 4000 fps. and will shoot a 100 or 105 gr. bullet with enough poop to kill a deer at 400 yds. You can shoot the 243 all day long in shirt sleeves too.

Oh, I killed a fox at about 600 yards also. Best shooting gun I ever had.

If you are going to have a rifle built for accuracy you sure can make a 243 into a 1/4" or less gun. I did it a long time ago before the 6mm PPC was invented.

"Aim small miss small",


PS: A lot of us here are light and fast guys. If you are a heavy and slow kind of guy then the 243 ain't your bag.
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How about the 6BR. Probably marginal on deer to 400yds but I really hope your shots at that distance are the extreme of probability even with a 7Mag.:D

I drill them with a 7MM-08 and 120 grain Cor-lockts going 3000 FPS. Nine times out of ten its DRT. Low recoil, I can sill shoot 140 grainers for big hogs. Just a nice versitle round IMO.
Target / Hunting Rifle

I have tried this twice. One 300 Win mag, and one 6.5-284 Shehane. Both shot and looked to good to hunt with. I still do not have a custom hunting rifle
Any of the ones you mentioned would be great choices and since you have a long action also look at the 6.5-06, for the short action also look at the 260 rem. I have both a 260 and 6.5-284 and love them both, they will kill deer farther than I care to shoot at live game. The 260 is a model 7 and a joy to tote while the 6.5-284 is a target rifle built for those loooong shots out of a box blind across open pastures.
Pick the one that catches your eye, build it like YOU want and you'll be happy as a pig in poop!:D