Dealing exclusively with EXTREME rifle accuracy******

After reading the editorial (starting on page 3) I am not encouraged about the future of Precision Shooting. I don't really dislike the magazine per se; I just find it difficult to justify most of the stories as being appropriate to fill the pages of the official magazine of IBS.

I am disappointed in this months issue. I expect articles that tell various things to improve accuracy; what I got was articles about how well some obsolete or factory built rifle will shoot. Will probably drop my subscription when it runs out.
I recently criticized them too but a friend just gave me some 1980-1989 PS and they weren't any better as relating to benchrest. I've come to the conclusion Brennan doesn't intend it to be strictly a benchrest mag, or even a Really Precision Shooting mag, just another gun mag.

The IBS just pays for some space in it.

The benchrest group, as we know it, by itself, is just not a big enough market to support more than cottage industry endeavors.
I expected it to be more when they decided to expand the magazine.
I was hopeing for more building and experimenting being printed.
When they decided to expand the magazine to include high power , rim fire etc types of shooting i was expecting more articles expanding the accuracy improvements made in different rifles.
Well maybe someday it will happen. A few have been written but not nearly enough.
I wish the magazine well in the future.
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They (Brennan) says new potential authurs don't need to send articles in either. Too many amatuers already on the staff. So don't expect any change. Max
I think they need more articles on scopes and how to get the most out of it from 100 yards to 1000 yards and anywere in between, best way to adjust parallax. There are lots of improvenents being made on top the line scopes, that people need to know about. Also barrels, bullet tests, new actions being made. I could probably go on all day on things you guys want to read. But again I'm not a writer! I think if we all put something here that we want to read about that might help. What I've told Leupold, and Night force is I wanted a scope with a coarse and fine parallax adjustment, think how that would help.

Joe Salt
I enjoyed the article on Jungle Jim. As a veteran I salute these these guys. These guys volunteered I was drafted.
Jim Miller
I suspose they are many good well written articles in the Mag********

I enjoyed the article on Jungle Jim. As a veteran I salute these these guys. These guys volunteered I was drafted.
Jim Miller
But not many are pertinent to Bench rest or accuracy. I dont read those articles that dont deal with extreme accuracy. If the Mag was marketed for the typical shooter/blaster society instead of the BR society it would be different. In fact I wouldnt even get it if it wasnt part of the IBS membership. I too am a veteran. Last part of Korean war and Cuban missle crisses. However, in a benchrest mag, I want to read accuracy articles
I'm a Vet too, but that last editorial did it for me. PS won't get any better. I won't renew. Clearly old Dave thinks all is well.