Deadline has come and gone


In Tony Boyer's summer interview in PS, Tony stated that if the new book was not out by Jan 1, 2010 then the whole idea would be scrapped and no book would be released at all.

So anybody know what happened? Did the publisher screw us all?
what a jerk you are

I am friends with the publisher (ok casual friends) and he is not only upstanding but has put a sum of money and time into this project for your benefit,
once the book comes out this month I expect a full apology and a donation of $100 or more to a br charity or the SS as a pennance.

Casting aspertions on a persons good name in this instance should not be tolerated. You should be banished form the site for 3 months. No evidence for this claim, you should be ashamed, and a mere I am sorry haha does not cut it here,

why not go to the shot show and personally aplogize to the author and publishere, barring weather delays they will both be there with a booth.

I better go before i really get torn up as this was uncalled for. (and I dont mind taking people to task if they have it coming, this was just rude)

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I am friends with the publisher (ok casual friends) and he is not only upstanding but has put a sum of money and time into this project for your benefit,
once the book comes out this month I expect a full apology and a donation of $100 or more to a br charity or the SS as a pennance.

Casting aspertions on a persons good name in this instance should not be tolerated. You should be banished form the site for 3 months. No evidence for this claim, you should be ashamed, and a mere I am sorry haha does not cut it here,

why not go to the shot show and personally aplogize to the author and publishere, barring weather delays they will both be there with a booth.

I better go before i really get torn up as this was uncalled for. (and I dont mind taking people to task if they have it coming, this was just rude)


Whoa there! Let's calm down a bit for goodness sakes. There was no harm intended. I don't know the publisher and have nothing against whoever it is. It simply sounded like Tony was having a hard time with the whole process and that it was up to the publisher if we were going to see the book or not. Would hate to be robbed of the benefit of such a great work because of publisher deadlines or politics or something. It's good to hear that everything went through ok and the benchrest community will have access to the writings.
That works for me.

It gets pretty bleak up north in the winter, must have touched a nerve. In this case warm-up would be better advice than chill-out.

Glad to hear the book is finally here. :)
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Do you guys know if it is possible to order one of his book?
Denny Andrews was taking down names of people at the NBRSA nationals in St. Louis who wanted on a order list for Tony's book. I'm sure it will be well worth it as Tony is without a doubt the best benchrest shooter that has ever been.
For those that missed my earlier post…

The long awaited book is in production and we're planning on having it available for the SuperShoot. I regret any inconvenience this delay might have caused to some of you who are patiently waiting for this great resource. Last thing we need is more confusion with this project. The wait will be worth it, and the final product will set the standard as the ultimate book on BR and rifle accuracy from the master himself.

Thank you all for your understanding. And if you happen to be at SHOT next week, do stop in at the Lapua booth and say hello to Tony and Faye. See you there!

Do you know what days?

Go to the Shot Show and go to the lapua booth. Tony will be there signing copies.

Butch, do you know what days he will be there?

I have a buddy that is going to attend the show and I would love to have him pick up a signed copy for me.

Is this Tony book thing going to get more confusing? As of yesterday, supposedly, Tony was in a Vegas hospital with a back problem. Carried too many not-there-yet books I guess.

I think Mr Bilal is the one to listen to on this subject. He suggests to wait till the Super Shoot to get your signed copy..