DC court strikes down pistol carry ban!!

This is huge....

Probably just the pessimist in me but I'm not so sure this is huge. It seems to me our judicial system is just as broken as the legislative branch. A quick special interest wave of the pen and unconstitutional laws go into effect without check. Well.... the judicial system is the check and it took 6 years to get to this point and I'm sure DC will appeal it further. By the time it's totally struck down, (or not), there will be another wave of the pen and it starts over. Meanwhile, unconstitutional rule of law is alive and well.
It's my understanding it's a felony to possess a loaded cartridge, (might even be an empty), in DC. I believe there's a fellow still locked up because he had a round laying in his console during a traffic stop.
A friend of mine went to jail in Mass back in the 80's because a cop found empty 22LR casings in his car.....he was 18.....WRONG, yes, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, yes but he still went to jail.

Today he would not.

What's HUGE about all this is that nowadays, with the innernet we can all hear about it. It is my opinion that folks really are, finally, reacting to the current administration. And with cameras on phones ANY LEO had best be in best behavior.

Or see his face on youtube.

I recently recorded a string of calls from the ATF, 4th time in my life they've got into my face over stuff I'm not party to, this time I've a complete record that will hold in any court.

Or make hay on youtube.

Ol' Wuh'Bahma is the best this to happen to gun dealers since Slick Willy but my hope is that he's taking his agenda far enough that even NON-gun people are seeing it.

IMO this is huge.

Yes ...BUT if you get caught, you will still spend a week in jail and $50,000 for a lawyer before you can benefit from the new ruling. It will take years (IF EVER) before the cops understand the ruling.
Hopefully thats were the next bunch of Obama's buddies hit, he says Manhattan he is worried about.

Joe salt
I hope your right. I never though this country would have put him back in office this last go around. There are way to many people worried about getting there checks on time, and what kim kardashian is doing to really open up there eyes and see where this country is heading. Then on top of that we have the main stream media only reporting what they want, most of which makes the current admiration look like there doing something. I think is plain scary. I really do!! Our president is a big push over, finger pointer that takes no responsibility for anything. Then lets not forget the big push yet to come to get Hilary in office. Im not so sure they wont get it done. Scary Scary Scary!! Lee
I hope your right. I never though this country would have put him back in office this last go around. There are way to many people worried about getting there checks on time, and what kim kardashian is doing to really open up there eyes and see where this country is heading.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

there is recourse and it's growing

Article 5 convention of the states:


Our Constitutional recourse is growing fast.. pushed by Mark Levin..all 3 branches are gone, long gone. The day has come our forefathers feared and this is what they provided us with to stop it.
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